Sports to practice during menopause

The menopause is that stage of the life of every woman who always wants to avoid. In Spain, the The average age of menopause is around 51 years. Early menopause, although rare, occurs before the age of 40. There can also be cases of women aged 54-56 who continue to have their regular periods, but beyond that age it is not usual.

Women in this phase may experience delayed periods, irritability, premenopausal syndrome more pronounced or, on the contrary, significant bleeding to the point of producing anemia. Sleep may begin to be disturbed and they may experience some hot flashes or headaches.

According to Mireia Roca, co-founder of Domma, the benchmark company in well-being and health for mature women, “in menopause changes occur in our metabolism that increase our index of body fat and its distribution in the body. If before it was distributed in the thighs or in the hips, in the menopause it is more frequent that it accumulates in the area of ​​the abdomen”.

63.5% of women in this stage have problems falling asleep or staying asleep

In addition, a recent study by Domma has revealed that 63.5% of women in this stage have problems falling asleep or staying asleep all night, and a 57.9% of them affirm that they suffer from night sweats that make it difficult for them to rest.


A combination of cardiovascular exercise and strength is ideal for maintaining a healthy body. It is not necessary to establish hard routines of HIIT (high intensity exercise) or spend hours doing machines in the gym, but it is important that you dedicate time to sports every day. From Domma they advise:

  1. go out for a walk: Cardiovascular exercise helps burn calories and prevents osteoporosis. It is recommended to walk at least 30 minutes a day and gradually increase the time.

  2. Swimming or exercising in the water: Contributes to correct and improve posture and respiratory and joint health. It is especially recommended for people who suffer from osteoporosis, since water reduces the impact compared to any exercise that is done on the ground.

  3. strength exercises: helps to generate muscle mass, taking care of bone health. It can be done at home or in the gym, and it is important to choose a suitable weight for the person and then gradually increase it, since overloading can cause injuries.

  4. Jumping, dancing, gymnastics: Cardiovascular resistance exercises make the blood move faster strengthening the heart.

  5. Stretches: They are important to avoid stiffening of the muscles. It is highly recommended to stretch or mobilize the body when getting up, as well as before and following exercise. training.

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