Sports presenter experiences Oktoberfest premiere – and brings five insights with her

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The ZDF presenter Lena Kesting visits the Oktoberfest for the first time. Your insights and advice are indispensable for every Oktoberfest guest.

Munich – The first week of Oktoberfest in Munich is coming to an end and the Italian weekend is approaching. Unlike usual, FC Bayern also completed its traditional Oktoberfest visit on the first Sunday (September 22nd).

Oktoberfest has been very popular so far

The Theresienwiese has been a real visitor magnet so far. Already on the first weekend there were over a million guests and the festival tents were also well attended throughout the week.

Lena Kesting, sports presenter at ZDF, also visited Oktoberfest in the first week. It was a special occasion for the 30-year-old: she celebrated her Oktoberfest premiere! Of course, Kesting shared some photos of her visit on Instagram.

Lena Kesting was at Oktoberfest for the first time. © Instagram @lena_kesting

ZDF presenter gives two valuable Oktoberfest tips

The North Rhine-Westphalian native not only impressed with her outfit, a classic green dirndl with a white blouse, gold apron and high black shoes, but also with her insights from Oktoberfest. As opposed to Ralf Schumacher made no mistake in Kesting’s costume.

During her first visit to the Oktoberfest, Kesting gained five insights, two of which could serve as valuable tips for Oktoberfest visitors. She shared her Oktoberfest findings on Instagram and wrote: “Saures Radler keeps you alive; Anm. d. Red.).“

Kesting will attend Oktoberfest again

To understand: The beer at Oktoberfest is stronger than normally brewed beer. The amount that is served in a 1-liter beer mug has also driven many an Oktoberfest visitor to despair. That’s why Kesting relies on a mixture of beer and carbonated water.

As a second tip against a quick rush, the presenter shared a well-known piece of advice: “Eating something every now and then helps.” Their other three findings were: A marquee bench is more resilient than you think. Cologne music is also played at the Oktoberfest and the atmosphere is excellent.

Overall, Kesting was very satisfied with her first visit to Oktoberfest. She concluded her post with the words: “Already looking forward to next year.” (kk)



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