Sports: Meghalt Sven-Göran Eriksson |

Sports: Meghalt Sven-Göran Eriksson |

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August 2024. 26. 13:24 August 2024. 26. 13:54 Sports

The former captain of the English national team was 76 years old.

Sven-Göran Eriksson, the former captain of the English football team, died of pancreatic cancer at the age of 76, writes the Sky News. At the beginning of the year, when it was revealed that Eriksson was terminally ill, the coach said that “at best” he would only have a year left.

Eriksson said goodbye in a touching monologue in the documentary about his life, which was released a few days earlier on August 23 on Amazon Prime.

You have to learn to accept things. Hopefully in the end people will say yes, he was a good person, but not everyone will say that. Don’t be sorry, smile. Thank you for everything, coaches, players, the audience, it was fantastic. Goodbye

– said the former English national team captain.

Liverpool in the English league organized a charity match in honor of the Swedish manager this spring, where Eriksson could sit on the Reds’ bench for the last time.

Sven-Göran Eriksson, born in Sunne, Sweden, was a true world traveler. He has worked as a coach in nine countries and won a total of 17 trophies, including in his native Portugal and Italy. He also managed the English, Mexican and Ivory Coast national teams.

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Unlike Orbán’s previous opponents, Magyar has a trump card up his sleeve.

The Hungarian tennis player did not win a match at any Grand Slam this year.

They put a cynical sign near the elevator saying how much healthier it is to take the stairs than to take the elevator.

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It’s not just speeders that have a problem.

Michelle Gulyás’s gold embellished the silver medal of the president of the pentathlon association.



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