Sports Fund, SAT join hands with Sports Excellence Department Join forces to allocate budgets for Thai-foreign coaches in 40 sports, over 15 million baht

“Sports Fund” joins forces with “SAT” and Excellence Sports Development Department Solve problems for 40 types of sports in Thailand. The budget has been allocated to support Thai and foreign trainers, totaling more than 15 million baht. to work together to develop the Thai sports industry in further progress

After the National Sports Development Fund (NSDF) joined forces with the Sports Authority of Thailand (SAT) to solve the problem of delays in budget disbursement. to support the preparation of Thai athletes Participate in various sports events both domestically and internationally come continuously

Latest on April 12, the National Sports Development Fund. and fund treasury Sports Authority of Thailand In collaboration with the Department of Sports Development Excellence has solved problems for trainers, athletes and sports associations by allocation and disbursement under The 2023 Sports Trainer and Specialist Program, the 2023 Annual Budget (National Sports Development Fund) for 40 types of sports has already been completed. Total amount 14,826,000 baht

For 40 sports that have already been allocated the aforementioned budget, consisting of Thai sports 120,000 baht, cricket 360,000 baht, curat 120,000 baht, bicycle 660,000 baht, jet ski 120,000 baht, cheerleading 240,000 baht, sumo 120,000 Baht, Diving 120,000 Baht, Sepak Takraw 900,000 Baht, Triathlon 420,000 Baht, Air Sports 450,000 Baht, Table Tennis 390,000 Baht, Netball 120,000 Baht, Bridge 120,000 Baht, Basketball 480,000 Baht, Badminton 960,000 Baht, Bowling 774,000 Baht. 240,000 baht, petanque 360,000 baht, bodybuilding 360,000 baht

Fencing 360,000 baht, boxing 1,530,000 baht, archery 300,000 baht, gymnastics 1,422,000 baht, judo 240,000 baht, rugby football 240,000 baht, rowing boat 510,000 baht, speed boat 120,000 baht, lawn tennis 240,000 baht, lawn bowls 120,000 baht. 120,000 baht, Woodball 240,000 baht, Vovinam 120,000 baht, Ski 120,000 baht, Squash 120,000 baht, Xiangqi chess 120,000 baht, Go 120,000 baht, Hockey 480,000 baht, Ice hockey 120,000 baht and people Deaf 750,000 baht

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However, reporters have been reported that in solving such problems between the Fund, SAT and the Excellence Sports Development Department, this time it appears that various sports associations has come out to appreciate the approach of helping this sports association very much

and stating that “Good deeds must be appreciated and we would like to encourage the Sports Fund, Sports Authority and Sports Development Department to be excellent. Which we all have to work together to solve the problem. Sports associations themselves must follow the correct steps. will be convenient and fast To jointly raise the level and develop the country’s sports industry to progress further “

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