Sports Events: The Hidden Hotbed for Infidelity as Olympic Fever Strikes

The sports world has managed to capture the attention of even those with no interest in any activity that involves a drop of sweat, although the topic we are discussing today is certainly not foreign to sweat. According to data from the latest study by Gleeden, the leading platform for non-monogamous encounters in Europe, 89% of people believe that these types of international events lend themselves to seeking adventures… And that is why, the Olympic Games are shaping up to be the key moment to unleash the fantasies of many, who find in these sporting celebrations the perfect excuse to be unfaithful.

“According to what we have been able to analyze in the surveys and the movement we see on Gleeden during sports events like the Euro Cup and the Copa América, there usually is an increase in infidelities. People get caught up in the excitement, happiness, and euphoria that characterize these events, especially when the winner is from the country of the person who is going to cheat. For those traveling to France for the Games, for example, anonymity, being surrounded by so many people seeking the same thing, the clandestinity, and those nerves of having the opportunity to meet people and form relationships, are crucial when deciding to be unfaithful to their partners. Many even go precisely with those intentions to watch the Games and the sporting events, which serve as an excuse. For them, it represents a break in their lives, and they think that what happens in Paris, stays in Paris. They let themselves go, not thinking much about what is happening, and undoubtedly fall into the web of what might arise,” explains Silvia Rúbies, head of communication for Gleeden Spain and Latin America, to Artículo 14.

The figures support her: 69% of respondents believe that the main factor influencing people to commit infidelities at these types of international events is the ease of meeting people from all over the world without any commitment. 19% think that the relaxed and festive atmosphere at these events also plays a role, while 13% believe that being without a partner in another country influences the decision. Obviously, anonymity facilitates contact with unknown individuals and increases the sense of freedom.

“Anything that provides a good excuse is taken advantage of by those who are going to fall into temptation. When Spain won the Euro Cup, it seemed like anything was allowed. These unusual events make many feel that they have absolute permission to arrive late and celebrate in a thousand ways. What happens at these celebrations, they believe, stays there. It’s not uncommon for a spouse to arrive late when there’s a sports victory, as the excuse of going for drinks with friends is a classic. The question is whether the partner believes it or not,” comments Rúbies.

Zendaya, in a famous commercial advertisement

The data from the study launched by Gleeden shows that indeed, these sports events are the perfect excuse for many. 82% of unfaithful attendees at the Olympics will seek to have some adventure in Paris. Meanwhile, those who stay in Spain will not be locked up at home. “67% of people say they will take advantage of their partner watching some Olympic competition to meet with their lover. On the other hand, 59% of unfaithful individuals will use the excuse of going to watch a competition with friends to see their lover,” they comment.

Two years ago, a study by the platform revealed that of all female soccer players, 100% stated they would never change their football team for a romantic partner and that they hardly care about what their partner does or does not do during the World Cup. This has not changed because sport always takes precedence over infidelity. In the 2024 report, the data indicates that 67% of respondents say they will not miss an Olympic final, especially if their country is competing, for a session of sex with their partner or lover. In other words: loyalty to the team and the sport is much more pronounced than to the partner… In the end, medals matter more than cheating, I suppose.

It seems that sport burns calories and hearts, as this is not the first time a study has highlighted curious links between sports and infidelity. Golf Support conducted a survey among 1,750 men to find out which athletes are the most unfaithful. It turns out that rugby players are the most problematic in this aspect, as 21% of them use the excuse of having a match or a related sports event to be unfaithful to their partner, followed by football players (19%) and golfers (17%).

As if that weren’t enough, it’s not uncommon for sports lovers to become… lovers! “Attending sporting events, or even watching them together, helps create emotional bonds, and participating in them is an easy way to lower expectations around a date and do something you enjoy. This reflects a growing approach, especially among Generation Z, to fit dating into personal life, where we turn hobbies we enjoy into dates instead of treating dating as a separate activity,” explains Dr. Caroline West, sex and relationship expert at Bumble.

At least, I now have one more reason not to lament my perpetual singleness: during the Olympic Games, I’m not going to worry about anyone cheating on me… Although with my luck, I’ll meet someone the day before the Games to unlock a new worry. If I always said that sport is not good…



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