Sports day from AE Glaukos Esperou AOPA – 2024-04-12 12:11:09

The Sports Association of Glaukos Esperos AOPA Patras will organize a sports information day for parents, athletes and coaches on Sunday, April 14 at 11 am in the renovated closed gym of AEGEP.

The relevant announcement states the following:

“Our priority in the Union remains our Academy and the promotion of athletes with sports values ​​and abilities and scientific knowledge decisively contributes to the improvement and better utilization of the abilities of all involved. And because we believe that knowledge should be shared and be the common property of all of us, we sought out the experts to inform us. We are therefore happy that 2 distinguished scientists in the wider field of Sports, the Professor of Sports Psychology and Kinetic Learning at the Department of Sports Organization and Management, School of Human Movement and Quality of Life Sciences, University of the Peloponnese, Antonios K. Travlos and the nutritionist and former swimming champion Kristel Vourna, as well as a basketball man with vast experience, coach and veteran basketball player, Nikos Barlos will share their knowledge with us and discuss with the attending parents, athletes and coaches on specific issues that they will develop , while the legend of patraic sports, the “Nureyev” of Greek basketball, Kostas Petropoulos, will preface the conference and the speakers.

Specifically, Professor of Sports Psychology Antonios K. Travlos will speak regarding “Relationships and interactions between “coach and parents” of young basketball players”, Christel Vournas will develop “Nutrition in Sports”, while Nikos Barlos will speak regarding “championship and life following the end of the sports career”, speaking, at the same time, regarding the simple, amateur athlete.

The conference is of course open to anyone interested and we are waiting for you to discuss together regarding our common love, sports.”

Instant update with all the news now and via WhatsApp – See here

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