Sports and Cultural Activities for Pupils: Exploring Nature and Fishing in Chimay and Momignies

2023-06-29 09:30:00

During the period of the organization of the CEB, in order to compensate for the absence of holders of 6th primary having in charge of other school years, the school directors and the municipal administrations of Chimay and Momignies organize sports and cultural activities for pupils in municipal education.

These require significant supervision and a multitude of partners such as those in charge of the free time reception of Chimay and Momignies, the cultural centers of Chimay and Momignies, the communal library of Chimay, the social cohesion plans of Chimay and Momignies as well as the Chimay youth centre.

Transport and entry fees for activities are fully covered by the communal administrations of Chimay and Momignies.

On the Naturia site in Robechies

Among the activities, there is an introduction to pond fishing on the Naturia site in Robechies. There are regarding twenty students from the schools of Momignies this Tuesday morning to try out the gudgeon under the benevolent supervision of Thibaut Dardenne, from the Marché Rivière de Wallonie, and Martin Wauthy, the site manager.

Juliette, Louis and Célien and their companions are already managing like leaders to hang the maggots on the crushed barb, which prevents them from injuring the fish and throwing it back into the water: ” This practice of No Kill therefore aims to capture a fish and then release it in the best conditions so that it can continue its life. This contact with the living and with nature makes the child reflect on the consequences of his daily actions, explains Thibaut Dardenne.

He also notes a growing attraction of young people for fishing since the confinement due to Covid-19: “People have regained a taste for going for walks, and in particular going fishing with their children or grandchildren. There is an obvious return to nature. And for some children, in addition to their usual activities, fishing has once once more become a center of interest like any other.”

Already experienced or not, the young fishermen have tasted the simple joys of fishing. And for some of them, it was a discovery of a healthy outdoor activity, of a (re)connection to nature.

#fishing #trip #white #days #schoolchildren #Chimay #Momignies



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