Sport as a prevention tool for the SUMAR Plan in the JUPY 2024

Asuncion, IP Agency.- Sport is one of the priority tools in the prevention of drug abuse in children, adolescents and young people, promoted by the Government of Paraguay within the SUMAR plan; and in this sense, the Paraguayan University Games –JUPY 2024- is one of the main action strategies.

Colour, bustle and excitement were the notes that marked the opening day of the JUPY 2024, held at the National Sports Secretariat (SND) Complex, as a commitment to the development of young Paraguayans, living a healthy life and away from the consumption of psychoactive substances.

The first two sporting events, which opened the Municipal Phase of the JUPY 2024 in the Capital, were Women’s and Men’s Futsal, arousing the excitement of the attendees.

In Women’s Futsal, the Autonomous University of Asunción (UAA) won 1-0 against the National University of Asunción (UNA) team, which was selected to kick off the JUPY 2024.

More than 300 teams from 40 public and private universities in the country are competing in the JUPY 2024. Photo Courtesy.-

Meanwhile, at the end of the day, the men’s Futsal teams faced each other, with the team from the Autonomous University of Asunción winning against the team from the Autonomous University of the Sun, by 5 to 0.

The JUPY 2024 party is underway

The excitement of a historic day for university sports began early in the afternoon of Monday, August 5, with the arrival of the various delegations that will compete in the JUPY 2024. The Ueno SND Arena Sports Center resounded with bass drums, drums and cymbals, which filled the festive meeting with rhythm, with young athletes and university students as the main protagonists.

National authorities, headed by the President of the Republic, Santiago Peña, officially inaugurated the competitions that bring together more than 300 teams from 40 public and private universities across the country.

Athletes from 20 universities in the capital paraded before an impressive crowd that cheered on the representatives of their universities, as well as the athletes from the other participating universities.

#Sport #prevention #tool #SUMAR #Plan #JUPY
2024-08-11 04:48:24



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