Sport, an asset to reduce the risk of Parkinson’s in women

2023-05-24 08:29:31

A study conducted over nearly 30 years has highlighted the benefits of sport in women in the prevention of Parkinson’s disease.

Parkinson’s disease is currently untreatable. If a patient suffers from it, he is forced to take treatment all his life to limit the tremors. But researchers hope to one day find a way to cure this neurodegenerative disease.

However, they are also studying the potential elements capable of reducing the risks, such as food for example. Among the avenues considered, physical activity is a factor that might play a determining role. In order to determine its impact on the development of the disease, Inserm researchers conducted a vast study.

For nearly 29 years, they have tracked in detail the physical activity of more than 100,000 women volunteers. And the results confirm that playing sports would protect women more. The study in question can be consulted on the website of the scientific journal Neurology.

Reduce the risk of Parkinson’s disease by 25%

As part of this study, women volunteers were asked to complete 6 specific questionnaires at key stages of the study. Then these answers were kept, analyzed and brought out at the end of the 29 years. The researchers then began a second phase of analysis by comparing the results of diagnosed women and healthy women with their level of physical activity.

It appears that nearly 20 years before the announcement of the diagnosis, more active women were less likely to develop the disease. However, zero risk does not exist. Nevertheless, volunteers with significant physical activity reduced the risk of suffering from Parkinson’s by an average of 25%.

Even more astonishing: the researchers noticed a decrease in physical activity in the 10 years preceding the announcement of the disease.

Sport, but also activities that contribute to this preventive action

If sport has many virtues other than the prevention of Parkinson’s disease, the study reveals surprising information. Indeed, it is the fact ofbeing active in a general way that protects women. In fact, the researchers explain that all non-static activities are beneficial.

In the data taken into account by the researchers, several everyday elements were taken into account. So, the number of steps climbed each day and the time spent gardener has been taken into account. This is also the case for more or less intense activities such as the number of steps taken daily or thehousehold stain intensity.

However, it is difficult to know at present whether this observation also applies to men.

#Sport #asset #reduce #risk #Parkinsons #women



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