Sport, adventure and health are combined in «DIGO»

Andrés Sandoval in full swimrun practice, a passion that he now shares at DIGO as an expert, week by week.

He defines himself as a “Neuquén fan.” He lived in many parts of the province. He is a doctor and an amateur athlete. He decided to combine all this in DIGO to share the importance of sport, its role in health and even those exceptional settings to practice it.

Andrés Sandoval gradually found himself with the world of sport. He was born in Neuquén capital, lived for many years in the rural area. He specialized in rural medicine and became the first doctor in Manzano Amargo. “Nobody wanted to take that position and I was interested. Little by little, in free time, I began to be linked to sports practice. I started climbing, trekking. Always in an amateur way ”, he comments.

“My time in the north of Neuquén was full of growth and learning. There I climbed the Domuyo Volcano for the first time with crianceros who lived in the place many years ago and for several generations, but who had never climbed. It was a very moving experience for them and for me”, he affirms.

“Villa La Angostura is like an amusement park, there are a lot of different scenarios to live the sportassures Andrés

With the arrival of her son, her next destination was Villa La Angostura, where she has lived for 17 years. “Neuquén is wonderful to explore through sports. We have spectacular scenes. It is necessary to always connect with natureit should not always be from sports, but it is a direct medium”, he affirms.

Today sport is part of his life and he set out to be the manager of sports activities in the region. He was a member of the mountaineering group “Los Cóndores”, he goes out to the mountains, rafting, biking, hiking. He has practiced open water swimming and even organizes unique instances in the region. He designs swimming circuits and accompanies the participants as a medical professional. “Villa La Angostura is like an amusement park, there are a lot of different scenarios to live the sportexcites.

Andrés Sandoval practicing SwinRun, in Piedra del Aguila.

His passion for this universe is such that he brought the practice of a new sport to the country. The SwimRun. A kind of set of two sports: swimming (Swim) and running (Run), with transitions of water and land.

“The main feature of the SwimRun is that all the material with which the start is taken must be transported to the finish. I know nothing with what I run and run with what I know nothing”.

What I highlight most regarding the SwimRun is that it is a practice oriented more into an experience and not a career. You don’t have to train solely for competition. It is important to live the sport from another perspective, where the axis goes through experience and experience and not so much through the result. In this practice, the focus is not on the ego”, says Andrés.

A blog in “DIGO”

Sport, Adventure and Health” is the name of the program led by Andrés Sandoval in DIGO, the APP of Editorial Río Negro and which is released every Friday.

Andrés Sandoval, in the last edition of the FIT in Buenos Aires.

“Every week we talk regarding sport from a social, community and ecological perspective. They are going to find my lifestyle, what I was learning and I want to pass on. We provide quality information on the universe of sport and its relationship with health. In addition, I present to you landscapes and places in the province of Neuquén so that you can enjoy this lifestyle”.

“DIGO” in the app and on the “RÍO NEGRO” website

To the content that is released daily from the mobile application, a new way of listening was recently added. Through, it is possible to access the productions generated by the network of spokespersons and experts in the towns of Río Negro and Neuquén.

Through this new section, it is possible to listen to all the episodes of a program at any time of the day and also access related notes, meet the protagonists and find out regarding the events that take place in the cities, towns and places of the region.

If you are interested in joining DIGO as a spokesperson for your locality or an expert on a subject, you must write to commenting on your proposal and we will reply immediately.

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