SPÖ-Zwander ad ÖVP-Ebner: “Those who sit in the blue glass house should not throw black stones!”

With the Mikl-Kickl pact, the ÖVP has also made the more than questionable foreign policy positions of the Kickl-FPÖ acceptable.

St. Polten (OTS) “The ÖVP Lower Austria would be very well advised to remain silent on the current discussions in the SPÖ on the subject of Russia and Ukraine. Yes, you can and must have a fundamental discussion regarding certain statements and actions from the past from the ranks of the SPÖ. But the ÖVP Lower Austria has lost all credibility on this subject with the Kickl-Mikl pact. The ÖVP, with the black-blue coalition breaking word, has made the more than questionable foreign policy positions and Russia contacts of the Kickl-FPÖ acceptable. And while high-ranking ÖVP government members were missing in the speech of the Ukrainian President, the SPÖ NÖ has long since made a clear statement here: Our designated state party chairman has already said several times that he would of course have listened to the speech of the Ukrainian President in the boardroom and that from our point of view this appearance was also clearly consistent with the neutrality law. From my point of view as state party manager, there is nothing to add and I clearly agree with this position. As a state party, however, we must also point out that the presence or absence of meetings of the National Council is a matter for the parliamentary club of the federal party, but that I, as state manager, have a complete lack of understanding for the chosen procedure. Europe has been experiencing a turning point since February 24, 2022 at the latest, which unfortunately makes many older assessments and perspectives appear too idealistic, maybe naive, but in any case completely outdated and wrong,” says Wolfgang Zwander, regional director of the SPÖ Lower Austria.

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