SPÖ: Party Presidium meets for a retreat in Klagenfurt

The SPÖ Federal Party Presidium meets tomorrow and Thursday for the New Year’s retreat in Klagenfurt. In addition to inflation, education, health and care, the Reds also focus on migration – a topic that repeatedly causes discussions within the party. Burgenland’s governor, Hans Peter Doskozil, who is known for shooting at the party leadership, will not be present because he is not a member of the executive committee.

The location for the meeting should not have been chosen by chance, as there will be a state election in Carinthia on March 5th. Under the motto “Social Policy for Austria”, the Presidium wants to discuss the central challenges and tasks that politics must tackle in 2023.

At the invitation of SPÖ leader Pamela Rendi-Wagner, migration expert Gerald Knaus, author and chairman of the think tank “European Stability Initiative – ESI”, will give a presentation on migration and flight in Europe and possible solutions for 2023. On the second day, a joint press conference is planned with Rendi-Wagner and the regional party chairmen and governors Peter Kaiser (Carinthia) and Michael Ludwig (Vienna).

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