SPÖ May march this year also in the context of the presidency debate

2023-04-21 10:13:26

The parade of the SPÖ on May 1st in Vienna is also marked this year by the debate regarding the party chairmanship. The motto of the rally is “Strong. Stronger. Together”. The Viennese SPÖ emphasizes that it is important to show unity for a united social democracy. Nothing changes in the traditional process. From the early hours of the morning, the delegations from the districts march in a star to the town hall square. The final rally is on the program for the morning.

The first delegations will be received from around 9 a.m. in front of the town hall. The celebrities are also moving with them: federal party leader Pamela Rendi-Wagner will arrive with the 1st district on the square. The Viennese provincial party chairman, Mayor Michael Ludwig, has a long way to go. He is part of the delegation from the 21st district.

Check-in will last until around 10:30 a.m. Then the speeches begin. In addition to Ludwig and Rendi-Wagner, ÖGB President Wolfgang Katzian and Vienna’s Women’s Chairwoman Marina Hanke will speak. After the rally, the participants have the opportunity to visit the “Mercato Rosso” on Löwelstrasse. There will also be the traditional Prater Festival once more.

“As Viennese social democracy, we have always worked for an affordable, good life for everyone, be it through the best educational opportunities, a solidary health system, our social housing or currently through targeted financial support once morest inflation. That is the Viennese way, and it also stands for it the motto of this May 1st,” stated state party secretary Barbara Nowak. The party is appealed to now stand together and fight together for a fairer society. Because social cohesion and respectful cooperation make the movement so strong, it was said.

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