SPÖ launches the initiative “Mayors and deputy mayors support Andi Babler”

2024-07-10 10:14:07

Babler: ‘Cities are the heart of the republic – we need a government that delivers on its responsibilities and improves conditions in communities’

Vienna(OTS/SK) Today, Wednesday, the SPÖ presents the initiative “The mayor and deputy mayor support Andy Babler”. SPÖ Chairman and Mayor of Traiskirchen Andreas Babler and community leaders Dieter Posch, Andreas Kollross, Peter Schobesberger, Elke Florian and Patrick Skubel, representing the SPÖ’s 457 mayors and 628 deputy mayors, attended the event in Vienna’s Volkspark Joint press conference, attended by Tanja Kreer, Elisabeth Blanik and Michael Ritsch. “Mayors work every day for the Austrian people. Mayors do everything they can to make people’s lives as valuable as possible. We understand the people’s problems very clearly, directly and directly. We take these problems seriously and develop solutions,” Babler said. He emphasized that the national committee elections on September 29 are also a directional decision for the cities. “This is regarding recognition, respect and equal dialogue. The federal government treats these communities as supplicants and leaves them starving. Many communities can barely maintain supplies. We need a government that does its job and improves conditions in communities,” Babler Said, he noted: “Local politicians are the enforcers. Together with my colleagues from Lake Neusiedl to Lake Constance, I am fighting for the necessary departure and respect for communities and citizens. Because communities are the heart of the republic” on the platform Mayors and deputy mayors across Austria can register and support Andreas Babler. *****

“We want to invest and expand services in cities and communities,” Babler said, reiterating his demand for a legal right to free educational spaces for children. The SPÖ Master Plan aims to strengthen rural areas, SPÖ has developed a comprehensive plan to provide the best public health care for cities and communities, expand public transport, provide the best education for everyone and strengthen local facilities and pubs . “We protect rights and are fully committed to the revitalization of rural areas,” Babler said.

Andreas Kollross, Chairman of the GVV Federation, SPÖ City Spokesperson and Mayor of Trumau, stressed that social and cultural life takes place in communities. “When communities and cities starve from government, we suffer. Many projects cannot be implemented and there is a risk of service disruption. This is not because mayors are not doing a good job, but because the federal government is not solving the problem. That’s why I’m pleased we’re launching the Mayor and Deputy Mayor Andy Bubbler initiative. The theme for September 29th is the quality of life in cities and communities. We need a government that can structurally address the financial problems of our communities. The head of government, Andi Babler, understands the local problems better than anyone else and is able to solve them,” Colros said.

Stravalching Mayor Tanja Kreer stressed how important it is for the country to be led by a federal chancellor who understands the needs of the community. “Straßwalchen is a community of newcomers. The population is growing, but public transport is not yet available, so services to the big cities are half-hourly. Public transport must be expanded. This increases the attractiveness of living in rural areas. The country as a whole needs to look at it , Politics using the brain.

Neu-Delfur Mayor Dieter Pausch criticized the black-and-blue government for devolving tasks to municipalities. “The state’s supply tasks were secretly transferred to communities. From the post office to health care – many things suddenly became community issues. Where are the billions of patients, where is the justice? The federal government has said goodbye to the task of providing public services, and we mayors We must accept this and Social Democrat Andi Babler must take the helm to once once more support and strengthen the community.

Lienz Mayor Elisabeth Blahnik stressed that mayors, when in contact with people, notice cases where doctors are missing, public transport is not functioning or there are insufficient childcare spaces. “As mayor, Andy Bubbler is with the people every day. He feels these problems personally – something the federal government lacks. She is withdrawn and has no idea how other people feel. That’s why I support Andy Di Babler became Prime Minister.

Peter Schobesberger, Mayor of Verkrabrück, spoke regarding high energy prices and the necessary action to combat climate change. “We are now in a situation where we realize what it means to be dependent on foreign energy. Andi Babler is our ally who sees the opportunity and, most importantly, sees the need to invest in sustainable energy now Necessity. Cities and municipalities are the most important players in the fight once morest climate change. Andi Babler is close to the people and knows what they are missing. I would be happy if the mayor became chancellor.

The mayor of Judenburg, Elke Florian, called for more resources for cities and municipalities through fiscal equalization: “My chancellor, Andi Babler, because he understands Communities in particular need to be supported in all aspects because when communities perform well, people benefit greatly.

Neuhaus Mayor Patrick Skubel emphasized: “We need optimism. Because our municipalities face a serious situation, the revenue share has declined, and without state support we will be insolvent. Federal, There needs to be a balance between state and local government. We sent a resolution to the government but received no response. We need a new style with Andi Babler at the helm. I look forward to the election debate. We will send a strong signal to Austria and the community on September 29th.

Bregenz Mayor Michael Ritsch emphasized that the Lake Constance region is internationally networked and cosmopolitan. “Next week we open the Bregenz Music Festival. 300,000 people will attend the festival. We are an international city and I can’t imagine that following September 29 we will be ruled by a right-wing coalition. I want Andy Babler to be prime minister . He represents a cosmopolitan Austria.

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Questions and contact information:

SPÖ Federal Organization, Press Service, Löwelstraße 18, 1010 Vienna
Tel: 01/53427-275

#SPÖ #launches #initiative #Mayors #deputy #mayors #support #Andi #Babler



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