SPÖ Holzleitner: FPÖ poisons the social climate

2023-11-05 12:15:09

Misogyny of FPÖ mandates unacceptable

Vienna (OTS) SPÖ women’s leader Eva-Maria Holzleitner sharply criticizes the verbal attack of the Carinthian FPÖ club chairman Erwin Angerer against SPÖ regional councilor Beate Prettner and demands an apology from the FPÖ leadership. “We SPÖ women demand an apology from State Councilor Beate Prettner. Angerer’s verbal attack is completely unacceptable!” said Holzleitner. In his speech in the Carinthian state parliament, Erwin Angerer threatened Prettner to “beat her up in the state parliament”. “In view of 24 femicides in Austria, this misogyny by FPÖ representatives is particularly reprehensible. “The FPÖ is poisoning the social climate,” said the SPÖ women’s leader.

Verbal attacks against women are the breeding ground for physical violence against women. “One can demand special care and attention to words from politicians. We politicians bear responsibility for coexistence in this country,” said Holzleitner. (End) rm

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Tel.: 01/53427-275

#SPÖ #Holzleitner #FPÖ #poisons #social #climate

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