SPÖ-Einwallner zu Nehammer: Helpless symbolic politics does not solve any problem

Austria needs a European asylum system and procedures at the external borders

Vienna (OTS/SK) “Solution-oriented politics has been completely canceled in the ÖVP,” comments SPÖ security spokesman Reinhold Einwallner Nehammer’s statements to the Bild newspaper that Trump’s “wall” on the border with Mexico is a model for border protection in the European Union. “The ÖVP is not concerned with solutions, but only with buzzwords and headlines. This symbolic politics brings nothing. We need a new European asylum system. Only with this and procedures at the external borders can we tackle the asylum issue in a meaningful way. In the EU, concrete solutions have been on the table for years, which are not implemented, among other things, because of the blocking attitude of the ÖVP. If Nehammer takes Trump as a role model, everything is said.” (End) sd/bj

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