SPÖ calls for price caps for electricity and fuel


The SPÖ federal party leader Pamela Rendi-Wagner uses the summer for a tour through the federal states. Under the motto “One country” she made a stop in Bruck an der Mur on Wednesday. The SPÖ leader renewed her demand for affordable living and wants to achieve this primarily through tax reform and price caps.

Red high tables, red booths, red umbrellas and a red ice cream vending van – Bruck’s main square was completely covered in red on Wednesday. To the cheers of around 100 sympathizers, Pamela Rendi-Wagner criticized the federal government for making “only big announcements” on the subject of inflation, but not acting.

look at other countries

According to the SPÖ leader, the two most important pillars of an anti-inflation policy would be social policy measures – including a pension adjustment and a tax reform: “It is very important that we have a policy that dampens prices. Because if you don’t bring prices down, you don’t bring inflation down.”

“Other countries like France and Germany, which have taken price-cutting measures for energy or fuel, gas and electricity, have lower inflation rates than Austria. These are the examples we have to use as a guide,” continued Rendi-Wagner.

“We finally need federal rules”

The SPÖ had drawn up a five-point package that included targeted price-cutting measures: “We are demanding an electricity and gas price cap so that it doesn’t get out of hand – of course socially staggered. We demand a freeze of the reference value rents and we also demand that the fuel does not increase indefinitely.”

These demands are supported by the Styrian SPÖ state party leader Anton Lang, who points out that Styria was the first federal state to increase the heating cost subsidy and introduce the Styria bonus: “We finally need federal rules and measures that work.”



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