Police officers carried out driver and vehicle checks in a side lane on Salzburger Strasse in Linz on Tuesday around 9:30 p.m.
Shortly before they had finished checking a car, another car approached the officers at excessive speed. The police officers, who were dressed in civilian clothes, used clear hand signals to indicate to the driver that he should reduce his speed. He then braked abruptly in front of the officers. When the driver realized he was dealing with police officers, he revved his engine several times. He also drove off several times in the direction of the officers, only to brake immediately followingwards.
Escaped from the police
The 38-year-old from the Weiz district then accelerated his car and tried to escape. The police gave chase and eventually found the man standing next to his car. During the check, he refused the breathalyzer test and the man’s car keys were then taken away.
The 38-year-old behaved extremely aggressively throughout the entire official procedure. He gestured with his hands, shouted at the police at close range and spit on his food. Only following he was threatened with arrest did the man calm down. It is displayed.

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