Spit on woman’s head during hair styling | Javed Habbeb | Celebrity Stylist | Splitting Video | Viral

Celebrity hair stylist Javed Habib has been criticized for spitting on a woman’s head while styling her hair. Habib was working during a hair styling class in Muzaffarnagar, Uttar Pradesh. Protests erupted after the video went viral.

Critics say Habib’s actions are vile and abusive. A case needs to be registered against him. The National Commission for Women (NCW) also intervened in the incident following strong criticism on social media.

Some in the class told the media that Habib had done this when he was told that saliva could be used if there was no water when cutting the hair. Habib came out with an apology after the criticism was strong. Habib said it was done for a joke and apologized if it hurt anyone.


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