Spezia scores poker in the derby. Eagles in the sign of Pio Esposito. Carrarese ko, what a party at the Picco





(first half 1-1)

SPEZIA (3-5-2): Gori; Mateju, Hristov, Bertola; Soleri (41′ st Falcinelli), P. Esposito (24′ st Colak). (Substitutes Mascardi, Wisniewski, Di Serio, Candelari, Benvenuto, Giorgeschi, Djankpata). Coach D’Angelo.

CARRARESE (3-4-2-1): Bleve; Coppolaro, Oliana, Imperiale; Panico (27′ st Cherubini), Shpendi; Cerri (11′ st Finotto). (Substitutes Mazzini, Palmieri, Capello, Guarino, Motolese, Hermannsson, Capezzi). Coach Calabro.

Referee: Rapuano from Rimini (assistants Berti from Prato and Zingarelli from Siena, fourth official Mazzoni from Prato; Var Camplone from Pescara, Avar Pagnotta from Nocera Inferiore).

Reti: 5’ pt Cerri (C), 24’ pt P. Esposito (S); 3’ st S. Esposito (S) su rigore, 16’ st P. Esposito (S), 29’ st Oliana (C), 37’ st Hristov (S).

Notes: spectators 10354 of which 118 oapts, season ticket holders 4712, total takings 117,998 euros. Yellow cards: Hristov, Giovane, Cerri, Reca, Bouah, Oliana; recovery time 2′ and 5:

LA SPEZIA – It will never be a match like the others: the years pass, the categories change but when Spezia and Carrarese cross paths they always provide excitement. The derby awaited for 12 years offers the over 10 thousand Picco fans an entertaining match, spiced up by 6 goals (plus one disallowed), twists and a show of cheering, with a thrilling choreography from the Curva Ferrovia while, as announced, the marmiferi were followed by just over 100 fans. A deserved victory for D’Angelo’s boys (like on September 20, 1990, goal by Mariano) who did well not to lose their composure after Cerri’s lightning goal at the start. An impeccable result for what was seen on the pitch against a Carrarese team that was nevertheless tenacious. D’Angelo confirms the indications of the eve, Calabro instead embraces a more offensive line with the Shpendi-Cerri-Panico trident, with the aim of trying to attack rather than remaining to build barricades. A strategy that seems to bear fruit immediately when after only 5 minutes Cerri collects a rebound from the defense from the edge of the area and fools Gori with a ‘dirty’ shot. Spezia reacts promptly, driven by the fervent support of Picco: in the 8th minute Bertola, a native of Carrara, comes close to equalizing with a header on a corner by Esposito Salvatore. It is the sign that Spezia is not ready to lose. The biggest gaps come from the right where Vignali frees himself in the 13th minute to serve Bandinelli, assist to Pio Esposito and once again Bleve outdoes himself, as happens two minutes later with the same protagonists.

It is the dress rehearsal for the equaliser scored by the same number 9 in the 23rd minute, beating everyone else with a header on a corner by his brother Salvatore. The turning point of the match comes when the teams have just returned to the pitch from the break: Zanon commits a naive foul on Bandinelli in the area, Salvatore Esposito coolly converts the resulting penalty. The inertia of the match changes completely also because now Carrarese can no longer remain holed up to defend the result. Calabro throws Finotto and Belloni into the fray to increase the offensive potential, but it is Spezia who finds the 3-1 once again scored by Pio Esposito, who is quick to recover a save by Bleve on a shot by Bandinelli. After a goal disallowed for Bandinelli, when the match seems firmly in Spezia’s hands, Oliana, who advanced into the area, fools Gori with a turn in the area. Is the match reopened? Not even in your dreams because it is another defender, Hristov, who restores the right distances with a header on a corner by Salvatore Esposito. It ends amidst the jubilation of the Picco. And now the challenge against Sassuolo.

Claudio Masseglia



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