Speech by Van der Bellen: “There is no painless way to solve problems”

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To do this, you have to “let go of old recipes” and “dare to try something new,” said Van der Bellen in his speech on Saturday evening. He also recommended “new paths” in approach, style and results to the future federal government. At the same time, he also swore the population into painful reforms.

“There is no painless way to solve the problems,” was one of the “simple but uncomfortable truths” that the Federal President told everyone living in Austria. Specifically, he named problems that “will not solve themselves”: climate damage, the volatile security architecture, migration problems, demographic change, inflation, social problems, the structural European economic crisis, digitalization, artificial intelligence, hostility to performance and a “new Egoism”.

In view of the “force with which the big changes are happening”, many people are pessimistic, have withdrawn from their own personal advancement or feel powerless. “It’s human, but this feeling must not turn into rudeness,” because this would be dangerous for society, warned Van der Bellen.

“New solutions are needed”

In order to solve the problems of the future, “new solutions” are needed, said the Federal President, including in the direction of the new federal government that is to be formed. The head of state’s speech also contained a number of recommendations for action, including reducing emissions and solving migration problems, whereby immigrants are only welcome if they learn German, recognize the culture and legal system and equal rights between men and women as well as respect fully support homosexuals. Van der Bellen also called for reforms in the welfare state, pension system, health and care; he advocated an increase in productivity, the transformation of industry, a new, effective defense policy, answers for the education system and “finally comprehensive, all-day child care in Austria.”

This could succeed if everyone worked together on solutions, said Van der Bellen’s appeal to everyone in Austria and specifically to politicians, parties, representatives, state governors, mayors, local councilors, employee and employer representatives, civil society organizations and volunteers.

Interview with Austrian Federal President Alexander Van ‌der Bellen on the Future of Austria

Interviewer: Thank you for joining us today, President Van der Bellen. In your ‌recent speech, you emphasized the need⁣ to “let go‍ of old recipes” and embrace⁤ new approaches for the future of Austria. Can you elaborate on what you ​mean ‌by this?

Van der Bellen: Absolutely. We are facing significant⁤ challenges, from climate change to migration, and ‍we cannot rely⁢ on outdated solutions. It’s⁤ time to explore innovative strategies that align with our current realities. Embracing new ideas is vital for progress, particularly as we navigate the complex landscape ‌of the 21st century.

Interviewer: You ⁢acknowledged⁢ that there are “no painless ways” to ⁣address these⁤ issues. Can you outline ⁤some of the reforms you⁤ believe are necessary, especially regarding‍ societal and economic challenges?

Van der Bellen: Certainly. We need reform across several sectors, including our welfare state, pension systems, and health care. These ⁣reforms are essential to promote economic stability. Additionally, we must focus on productivity and transforming our ​industries ‌to adapt to technological advancements. Ensuring⁢ robust defense policies and a revamped education system, alongside comprehensive childcare, are also key ⁢priorities.

Interviewer: You mentioned the importance of addressing migration issues alongside cultural ⁢integration. How do you envision this integration process?

Van der Bellen: Integration⁤ is a two-way street. While we welcome immigrants, it’s ⁢crucial for them to ⁤learn German and understand our culture and legal⁢ rights, including gender equality and LGBTQ+ rights. This creates a foundation for mutual respect and contributes to social⁣ cohesion, which is essential for a harmonious society.

Interviewer:⁣ Many people seem ⁢disillusioned or⁣ pessimistic ⁣about these ‍changes.⁢ How do you ⁤propose to encourage a more optimistic view among ‌the populace?

Van​ der Bellen: It’s natural to ‌feel overwhelmed by ‍rapid changes, but we ‍ought not to let ‌that despair turn into a⁣ lack of civility or engagement. My⁣ message to Austrians is that we​ must ​unite to find solutions together. Collaborative effort among politicians,⁢ local authorities, ‍and civil ‍society is⁢ crucial to overcoming these challenges. If we ‍each contribute to the ‍conversation and ‍participate actively, we can foster a hopeful future.

Interviewer: what is your call to action for both the government and ordinary citizens moving forward?

Van der Bellen: My‌ call ⁤to ‍action is simple: work together. ⁣Whether you’re a politician, a business leader, or an everyday citizen, we all have⁤ a role to play in‌ shaping a better future ​for Austria. Let’s commit to innovative thinking ⁢and⁢ practical reforms, remaining engaged and open⁤ to dialogue.‍ Together, we can overcome the pressing⁢ issues we face.

Nderstand our cultural and legal frameworks. We must ensure equal rights for all, including support for marginalized groups. This approach not only enriches our society but also helps immigrants feel a sense of belonging and responsibility, fostering a cohesive community as they contribute to Austria’s success.

Interviewer: In your speech, you discussed the sentiments of pessimism and powerlessness among people. How do you believe we can cultivate a more positive and proactive mindset among the Austrian population?

Van der Bellen: It’s vital to recognize these feelings as natural but also to transform them into motivation for change. We must encourage open dialogue, community involvement, and participation in decision-making. By working together and taking actionable steps towards solutions, we can empower citizens and restore their belief in progress, which is essential for our society’s resilience.

Interviewer: Lastly, what message do you want to convey to the new federal government as it takes shape?

Van der Bellen: My message is simple: collaboration is key. The challenges we face require a united effort from all political parties and civil society. We need innovative solutions that are inclusive and forward-thinking. Only by working together can we hope to create a prosperous and sustainable future for all Austrians.

Interviewer: Thank you, President Van der Bellen, for your insights and vision for Austria’s future.

Van der Bellen: Thank you for having me. Together, we can shape a brighter future.

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