Spectacular Collision at a Right Angle: Vehicles Crash in Virginia Subdivision, River Mouth

2023-06-24 20:25:00


River Mouth | 2023-06-24

One of the vehicles narrowly hit the wall of a house in the Virginia subdivision

in streets of subdivision Virginia Of the municipality of river mouth two private cars participated in a spectacular collision at a right angle and where one of the vehicles was thrown towards a fence of a house.

According to the reports provided, it is established that the The accident was at the corner of the Américas Antonio de Mendoza street, in the Virginia subdivision.

Witnesses confirmed that the Mazda brand car, in red color and with license plates YSE-759-B from the State of Veracruz, It circulated through Antonio de Mendoza.

After having reached the junction with Americas, did not respect the right-of-way and caused being hit at a right angle by another private vehicle in black.

Due to the strong shock the Mazda car He was thrown towards a fence of a house and where, fortunately, no one was walking on the sidewalk.

It was possible to confirm that in this aphorrible mishap no people were injured and material damage was extensive.

Taking knowledge of an expert of Municipal Transit of river mouth and thus be able to do disclaimer of corresponding responsibilities. Material damage was extensive.


#Vehicles #collide #Virginia #subdivision #Boca #del #Río

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