Spectacular Aurora Borealis Lights Brighten Skies: Witness Reports and Stunning Images

2023-11-05 18:39:00

Several of you have pressed our orange Alert Us button, amazed by a unique spectacle in the sky this Sunday evening. “Very intriguing sky light“, confides Leslie. “The sky is getting pinker and pinker“, Lindsay is surprised. Other witnesses put forward ideas to explain this phenomenon: “Could this be an aurora borealis phenomenon?“, “It would be an aurora borealis“. According to specialized sites, this is indeed the explanation.

The space weather website Poollicht.be, for example, published on X (formerly Twitter) images of the Northern Lights seen in the municipality of Maldegem, in East Flanders. The meteorological site Noodweer Benelux, for its part, reported northern lights in the province of Limburg, as well as in the province of Antwerp. The sky was also adorned with bright and colorful veils in the south and central Netherlands.

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