“Specific support can be provided to every young person who has difficulties”

2024-08-14 04:30:15

largeTeens in unstable situations are 1.6 times more likely to experience instability and difficulty as adults (“ Future life: unstable adolescence, uncertain future? », French Strategy, Analytical Notes no 142, July 22, 2024).

The same study suggests that the explanation for this phenomenon lies more in the educational background and the environment that is conducive or unfavorable to learning, study and training abilities. Living in a single-parent family (usually a single woman) particularly exacerbates this difficulty, especially for adolescent girls who tend to replicate the family model.

One could argue that we knew, without waiting for the French strategic study, that an environment conducive to education and learning is more decisive for the future of young people than the mere pocketbook. Yet, for decades, political demands (especially from the left, but not only) have focused on the demand for increased financial assistance. Public policy still reasoned exclusively in monetary terms, without ever asking the question why, for half a century, the continuous increase in financial assistance has never succeeded in preventing the rise in instability, poverty, joblessness and social exclusion.

Also read | Articles reserved for our subscribers Teens who live in instability are more likely to be poor as adults

Basically, French strategic research makes a formal, public and proven contribution to the vast majority of actors in the field (educators, social workers, integration companies, volunteers, etc.) – Everyday life: the key to integration, inclusion and success relies first of all on long-term human support.

Specific analysis of specific situations

However, the challenge of this support is not impossible to meet. Every year, 8% to 10% of the 700,000 to 800,000 young people of Generation Y leave school prematurely due to difficulties. Today, there are 68 million people in France. The age group 5-14, which is crucial in the learning process, represents 7.5 million young people. Of these, 8% to 10% are in difficult situations (the poverty rate is estimated at 14.5%), or around 700,000.

Also read | Articles reserved for our subscribers Poverty and inequality are stabilizing and are at their highest levels in the past decade

We know that national education cannot cure all ills. The teacher management team cannot handle each case individually.

Furthermore, they are caught up in social issues, which they try to address in school, and are sometimes forced to prioritize education and learning civics, to the detriment of the dissemination of knowledge.

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#Specific #support #young #person #difficulties



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