Special issue: Nuraphone headphones (presentation)

2018-05-21 17:30:00

Sébastien presents to us this week a (very) special listening device offered by the Australian company Nura. The Nuraphone is both a pair of in-ear headphones and a closed-back headphone. But that’s not all ! Good listening ! Buysse (Chronicler) Raised in thongs since my earliest childhood, I spent many years immersed in free projects, while being independent from the start. I started my career as a consultant, while launching projects over the years such as informaticien.be, and more recently Freedelity, which has occupied 150% of my days in recent years. Tinkerer, and extreme flasher, my office is the dream of bitonios lovers of all kinds! (Okay, almost).Marc Lescroart (Animator / Director) by new media, new technologies, … I have assiduously frequented Belgian radio studios for more than 30 years as a director, producer, columnist, host or even webmaster.

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#Special #issue #Nuraphone #headphones #presentation

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