Special Christmas Celebrations at Chicago Sacred Heart Canaan Catholic Forona Church

2023-12-28 22:32:50

Chicago : This year’s Christmas was a special experience at the Chicago Sacred Heart Canaan Catholic Forona Church, which is preparing to move to a new church. The parishioners specially honored the ten children who were celebrating Christmas for the first time in their lives.

Vicar Fr Thomas Mulavan gave special gifts to the children. Elisa Thannikukhippil, Ivana Thakitiel, Sara Mooket, Itan Kunnumpura, Evelyn Palaghat, Ava Ayikaparampil, Leah Cheruvil, Mariam Nedunthuruthil, Arol Pullorkunnel and Jonah Mutholam were specially honoured.

#Christmas #Chicago #Blessed #Babies

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