SPECIAL BONUS FOR PENSIONERS AUGUST 2024: CONSULT + AMOUNT. Check HERE the latest updates on this subsidy and who can access it through the Homeland System.

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The Venezuelan government announced the creation of the Ministry of People’s Power for Senior Citizens, Grandfathers and Grandmothers of the Homeland. That is why the search for the possible delivery of the Mega Bonus Special for pensioners in August 2024

Mega Special Bonus for Pensioners: How to register to receive this subsidy in August 2024?

To receive the Mega Bonus Special For Pensioners in 2024, it is necessary that you are registered in the Great Mission Grandfathers and Grandmothers of the Homelandthe latest social program promoted by the Government of Nicolás Maduro. Below, we will tell you how the process is, through this easy five-step guide:

  • Access the Patria platform: Enter the Patria platform.
  • Enter the Great Mission of Grandfathers and Grandmothers of the Homeland: Once inside the platform, search and select the option of the Great Mission of Grandfathers and Grandmothers of the Homeland.
  • Respond to the query: You will be asked the question: ‘Do you want to respond to this query for the grandparents of Venezuela?’ Answer ‘yes’ and then ‘send’.
  • Filling out the survey: The survey consists of socioeconomic questions to find out the source of income of the grandparents. You must indicate whether they receive retirement, IVSS pension, 100% Amor Mayor, remittances or other options. It also asks about disabilities, food benefits and information channels used.
  • Submit Survey: Once all questions have been answered, submit the survey.

What is the Mega Special Bonus for Venezuelan Pensioners August 2024?

What is the amount?

This is the new social program that the Venezuelan regime is promoting. Although the exact amount of the program has not yet been confirmed, Special Bonus for Grandparentsit is estimated that beneficiaries will receive a total of 1,800 bolivars or 50 dollarsaccording to the exchange rate of the Central Bank of Venezuela (BCV). In the meantime, we recommend that you keep all your information up to date and pay attention to all official communication channels of the Patria System.

Mega Special Bonus for Pensioners: Check with your ID if you received the payment

If payment is confirmed, Mega Special Bonus for Pensioners In August, the Homeland System will notify the beneficiaries of the subsidy through its official channels. However, if you wish to make the query with your ID number, you can do so by sending the word BONO followed by your CI al 3532. Another option is the following:

  • Enter the Homeland System.
  • Log in with your ID number and password.
  • Go to ‘social protection’.
  • Check that the bonus is active.
  • Finally, click ‘accept’.

How to collect the Patria Bonuses for August 2024?

To dispose of the money that came into your account Patria account for the concept of bonds August 2024you will need to follow this easy five-step guide:

  • Log in to the Platform Patria.
  • Go to ‘wallet’ and then ‘withdraw funds’.
  • Choose the wallet from which the funds will be sent, the amount and the destination.
  • Click on the ‘continue’ button and then on ‘accept’.
  • Finally, the system will show you that the operation was successful. Done!


2024-08-11 12:12:39



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