Sparking Controversy, What’s the Qibla Film About? – 2024-03-31 14:42:13

Qibla Film (Illustration)

THE FILM entitled Qibla, made by the production house Leo Pictures, sparked controversy from religious figures and the public. Just released a few days ago trailer and posters, this film has been considered a religious black campaign by the Chairman of the MUI for Da’wah, KH Cholil Nafis. Until recently, the Film Censorship Institute (LSF) stated that the film Qibla had not passed censorship.

This film received criticism because it was feared that the material displayed might make people afraid to perform prayers, which are the pillars of the Islamic religion.

The film Qibla itself tells the story of a woman named Ainun (Yasmin Napper) and her friend Rini (Ria RIcis) who idolize the leader of a magical hermitage in Bumi Suwung Village, Abah Mulya.

Ainun maintains admiration for Abah Mulya because this figure has abilities that ordinary humans do not have. Abah Mulya is famous for his supernatural powers, from curing various diseases, to multiplying money, he can do it all.

One day, Abah Mulya died. And unexpectedly, Ainun discovered the fact that Abah Mulya was her biological father.

After hearing the news that Abah Mulya had died mysteriously, Ainun and Rini together with Bagas (Arbani Yasiz) decided to go to the hermitage where Abah Mulya led to find the truth.

Also read: Regarding the Qibla film, MUI emphasizes that religious terms and symbols must be in their proper place

The village where the hermitage is located is different from other villages. It looks scary, there is no call to prayer, and the direction of the Qibla can change suddenly. Bagas even experienced a strange incident while praying. He was facing the supposed Qibla, but instead ended up facing a different direction.

As shown in the trailer, when Ainun was praying, while bowing down, her body suddenly seemed to turn around so that her face was facing upwards, once morest the direction of the Qibla. The atmosphere became even more tense with Ainun’s screams of pain.

Moreover, Bagas realized that there was no call to prayer in the village. One time, when the call to prayer was made, the villagers were in pain. In the trailer for this film there is also the writing ‘ once morest error’.

With a plot that has a religious theme, some people think this film exploits religion to gain material gain. As a result of the controversy that occurred, the poster and trailer for the film Qibla were removed from social media. However, the production house has not yet responded to the criticism and controversy triggered by its film. (Z-10)

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