Spanish Truckers Shift into High Gear: A Unified Stand for Early Retirement Rights

The two organizations call on workers in freight transport, road travelers and urban public transport to support the strike days that will take place on October 28, November 11, 28 and 29, and on November 5, 9 and December 23, when it will become indefinite.

UGT and CCOO call on workers in the freight transport sector, road travelers and urban public transport to participate in seven days of strike, scheduled for October 28, November 11, 28 and 29, and 5, December 9 and 23. From this last date, the strike will be indefinite.

The objective of this mobilization is to demand the early retirement of professional drivers through the application of reducing coefficients due to the hardship and danger of the profession.

Both unions also request that the agreements contemplate the possibility of partial retirement with a replacement contract, voluntary for the driver, allowing the remaining percentage of working hours to be accumulated and their position transferred to a young person. This measure would be temporary until the reducing coefficients are definitively applied.

Strike against employers in the sector

Additionally, UGT and CCOO denounce that the authorities and employers have systematically blocked the implementation of these measures in recent years. The general strike not only seeks regulation by the Government, but is mainly directed against the road transport employers, whom they consider directly responsible for the working conditions in the sector and for guaranteeing the safety and health of people. older drivers.

In this sense, as pointed out by the Deputy Secretary General of FeSMC-UGT, Pedro Aller, «There is no contradiction between the agreements that are being reached by the confederations of UGT and CCOO with the Government in the field of early retirement with the call for this strike. “There is a procedure for assessing hardship that exists in the profession that in our opinion is outdated and is not being applied in the transportation sector.” Regarding the business associations, Aller has pointed out these as the main obstacle to the agreement and to a joint demand for early retirement before the Government: «The employers are making it difficult to present and process the necessary documentation that must support our arguments and our claim before the Administration.

During recent months, both unions have carried out various actions, such as meetings with employers and the Ministries of Transport, Sustainable Mobility, Labor, Social Economy and Inclusion, Social Security and Migration, as well as rallies, mobilizations and parliamentary initiatives supported by political groups. . However, none of them have made significant progress, which has led to the decision to call these strikes.

From UGT and CCOO, we appeal to society’s understanding of the possible consequences of the strike, since its ultimate purpose is to protect the road safety of all, as well as improve the quality of life of the working class.

Finally, a call is made to all road transport workers and their organizations to make the strike a success by achieving the objectives that motivate it.



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