Spanish Prime Minister Sanchez remains in office after threatening to resign

The socialist politician, who has been in power for almost six years, announced in Madrid on Monday that he would remain in office. After filing a corruption complaint against his wife, the 52-year-old canceled all public appointments last Wednesday, announced a five-day cooling-off period about his political future and held out the prospect of resigning.

“I have decided, if possible, to continue at the head of the government with even more strength,” Sánchez said in his speech at the Moncloa government palace in Madrid. The solidarity rallies held by his supporters over the weekend in Madrid and other cities also contributed to his decision, which he came to with his wife. Sánchez called for fighting against the “swamp” in politics.

Sánchez complained about “a smear campaign” by the opposition, which he wanted to counter with strength: “I have decided to continue, if possible even strengthened as prime minister.” Sanchez further explained that he had informed King Felipe VI that he would continue in office.

“I want to think about whether it’s worth it”

The complaint against the head of government’s wife was filed on Wednesday by the organization “Manos Limpias” (Clean Hands), which is classified as very right-wing. She accuses Begoña Gómez (49), who does not hold public office, of influence and corruption in the economy. “Manos Limpias” later admitted that the ad was based on media reports that could well be false.

Sánchez then wrote on the news platform or should resign from this high honor”.

Last year, Sanchez called new elections after his Socialist Workers’ Party (PSOE) performed poorly in regional elections. In the early elections in July 2023, the PSOE was only the second strongest force behind the conservative People’s Party. However, Sanchez managed to form a minority government supported by smaller regional parties. In return, Sanchez accepted an amnesty for Catalan separatists, which is controversial in Spain. Regional elections in Catalonia are taking place on May 12th. There, his party is trying to wrest power from the separatist parties that have ruled the region since 2015.


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