Spanish nationality procedures are streamlined with a robot

Complaints about the slowness of the Spanish nationality process have reached the government and they are already speeding up the process by using robots, according to local press reports this week. What is the process like?

Reports indicate that the Ministry of Justice has introduced a new technology to speed up the process of granting Spanish nationality: the use of robots.

These machines are responsible for verifying whether applicants meet the necessary requirements, such as no criminal record, favourable police reports, and having passed language and integration tests.

According to Ester Pérez, head of the General Directorate of Legal Security and Public Faith, the implementation of robots in the process has allowed a significant increase in the number of applications processed and reduced processing times.

The official said that since robots do not get tired, “they can work continuously for more hours than a human being, which optimizes the efficiency of the process.”

Faster procedures for obtaining Spanish nationality

Furthermore, according to the Spanish press, this automated system improves the accuracy and reliability of the procedures, minimising common human errors, such as incorrectly writing the name of an applicant.

Another advantage highlighted by Pérez is the reduction of the risk of fraud, since the process is carried out objectively, based on established parameters, reducing the direct influence of officials.

For the government, therefore, robotisation is seen as a key tool to modernise and streamline the management of applications for nationality in Spain, whether through residency or other variants, in order to obtain Spanish citizenship.

In 2023, a total of 243,481 people obtained Spanish nationality, a remarkably high figure. In fact, such a high number had not been reached since 2013, when 261,295 people obtained nationality.

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