Spanish Court Denies Ex-President Carles Puigdemont’s Amnesty Appeal

Spain’s Supreme Court has announced that it will not grant amnesty to former Catalan president Carles Puigdemont, who is a fugitive from justice. for embezzlement of public funds; a case that led authorities to issue an arrest warrant against him.

Pablo Llarena, the judge in charge of the complaint, also refused to grant a pardon to two former collaborators of Puigdemont. These men are fugitives and were prosecuted in 2017 by the courts for “promote in 2017 the unilateral independence of the Spanish region of Catalonia with unconstitutional laws and a referendum,” The agency explained EFE.

It was also learned that the Supreme Court does not grant amnesty to pro-independence leaders who have been sentenced to disqualification from holding public office, as is the case of former Vice President Oriol Junqueras.

It has transpired that the Supreme Court is currently consulting with the Constitutional Court on whether it is possible to apply amnesty to those who commit a crime of “disobedience for which several pro-independence leaders were sentenced.”

#Spanish #justice #denies #amnesty #president #Carles #Puigdemont
2024-09-15 17:18:14

What were the main reasons for⁤ the ⁤Spanish Supreme Court‘s rejection ‍of Carles Puigdemont’s amnesty request?

⁤ Here ‍is a comprehensive and SEO-optimized ‌article⁢ on the topic:

No Amnesty ⁢for Carles Puigdemont: Spanish Supreme Court Rejects Pardon for Former Catalan President

The Spanish ‌Supreme Court has dealt a blow⁣ to former Catalan president‌ Carles ⁢Puigdemont, rejecting⁢ his request for ⁣amnesty from prosecution. Puigdemont, who is currently ⁣a ⁤fugitive from justice, was seeking a ‍pardon for his⁤ alleged role in ‍the embezzlement of‌ public funds, a crime​ that led to an arrest warrant being issued against him.

In‌ a statement, judge Pablo ⁤Llarena, who is in charge of the complaint, refused to ⁢grant Puigdemont amnesty, as well as two former collaborators who ‍are ​also fugitives. The two men were prosecuted in 2017 for promoting the unilateral independence ⁢of ‍the Spanish region of Catalonia through unconstitutional laws and ‌a referendum.

Background of the Case

In 2017, ​Puigdemont, ⁣who was then the‌ president of the ‍autonomous community of Catalonia, led a push for‌ independence from Spain.‌ The move was​ met with fierce resistance from the Spanish government, ‌which ⁣deemed the move unconstitutional.

In October 2017, Puigdemont‌ held a referendum on independence, which was boycotted ‌by many citizens and⁣ deemed illegal by the Spanish government.‌ The‌ move led to a political crisis in Spain, with the central government imposing⁢ direct rule‍ on Catalonia.

Charges Against Puigdemont

Puigdemont and several of his associates were subsequently charged with embezzlement ⁤of ​public funds, rebellion, and sedition. The charges relate⁤ to the ⁢alleged misuse of public funds to promote the independence​ referendum and ‌the subsequent declaration of ⁢independence.

In March​ 2018, Puigdemont fled ‍Spain and went into self-imposed exile in‍ Belgium, where he has been living‍ ever since. An arrest warrant was issued against him, and ​he​ has been fighting extradition to Spain ever since.

Consequences ‍of the Ruling

The rejection ⁣of Puigdemont’s request for amnesty is a significant blow ⁣to his hopes of avoiding prosecution. If he is extradited to Spain, he faces⁢ up to 25 years in prison if ​found guilty of the charges‍ against him.

The⁤ ruling is also a ​setback for the​ Catalan independence movement, which ‍has been pushing for greater autonomy or independence from Spain. The movement⁢ has‌ been ‌marked by protests and ​clashes with Spanish authorities, and the ruling is likely to⁢ harden positions on both​ sides.

International Implications

The case has also raised international⁤ implications, with ​several countries, including Germany and Belgium, refusing to extradite Puigdemont due to⁣ concerns ⁤over the fairness ⁤of the‌ Spanish⁣ judicial⁤ system.

The ruling is also seen as a‌ test of ​the Spanish government’s​ commitment to upholding the rule of law and protecting the rights of its citizens. ⁣The government has been accused of using the​ judiciary‌ to crack down on ‌political ‍opponents and ‌suppress dissent.


The‍ rejection of⁤ Puigdemont’s‌ request for⁤ amnesty is a‌ significant development in the long-running saga of Catalan ‌independence. The ruling is likely to‌ have⁣ far-reaching consequences⁢ for the independence movement,⁣ the Spanish government, and ‍the future of Catalonia.

As the‌ political crisis‌ in Spain continues to simmer, the world will be watching to see how ‍the situation unfolds.

Keyword optimization:

Carles Puigdemont

Catalonia independence

Spanish⁢ Supreme Court


Embezzlement of ‌public funds




Spanish government

Catalan independence ‍movement

Pablo Llarena

Meta description: The Spanish Supreme ​Court has rejected Carles Puigdemont’s ​request for amnesty from prosecution, paving ⁣the‌ way for his ⁤potential extradition ‍and trial. Find out more about the case and its implications.

Header tags:

⁢H1: No Amnesty for Carles Puigdemont: Spanish Supreme Court⁤ Rejects ‍Pardon for Former Catalan President

‌ H2: ‌Background​ of the Case

H2: Charges Against Puigdemont

H2: Consequences‍ of the Ruling

‍ H2: International ​Implications

H2: Conclusion

Image optimization:

Use a high-quality image of Carles Puigdemont, with a descriptive​ alt tag and a ⁤caption that summarizes⁤ the article.

* Use​ a featured image‍ that showcases the topic of the⁣ article, such as a map of Catalonia or a picture⁤ of the Spanish Supreme Court.

What were the main reasons for the Spanish Supreme Court’s rejection of Carles Puigdemont’s amnesty plea?

Spanish Justice Denies Amnesty to Former Catalan President Carles Puigdemont

In a significant development, the Spanish Supreme Court has rejected the amnesty plea of former Catalan President Carles Puigdemont, who is a fugitive from justice. Puigdemont, along with two of his former collaborators, had been prosecuted in 2017 for promoting the unconstitutional independence of the Spanish region of Catalonia through laws and a referendum. The court’s decision comes as a blow to the pro-independence leaders, who have been seeking leniency in the face of severe charges.

Reasons Behind the Rejection

The Spanish Supreme Court’s decision was based on several key reasons. Firstly, Puigdemont was accused of embezzlement of public funds, a serious offense that is not eligible for amnesty. Additionally, the court deemed that the crimes committed by Puigdemont and his collaborators were of a grave nature, warranting the rejection of their amnesty plea.

Furthermore, the court sought to emphasize that the unilateral independence of Catalonia was illegal and unconstitutional, and therefore, those who promoted it must face the consequences of their actions. The court’s stance is a clear indication that it will not tolerate any attempts to undermine the Spanish Constitution and the rule of law.

Other Pro-Independence Leaders Affected

The court’s decision also has implications for other pro-independence leaders who have been sentenced to disqualification from holding public office. Notably, former Vice President Oriol Junqueras, who was sentenced to 13 years in prison for sedition and embezzlement, will also not be eligible for amnesty.

The Spanish Supreme Court is also consulting with the Constitutional Court to determine whether amnesty can be applied to those who committed crimes of disobedience, another charge faced by several pro-independence leaders. The outcome of this consultation will have significant implications for the fate of these leaders.

Implications of the Decision

The Spanish Supreme Court’s decision is a significant blow to the pro-independence movement in Catalonia. It sends a clear message that the Spanish judiciary will not tolerate any attempts to undermine the country’s Constitution and the rule of law. The decision also underlines the Spanish government’s commitment to upholding the principles of democracy and the supremacy of the law.

For Puigdemont and his associates, the decision means that they will continue to face the consequences of their actions. The international community, including the European Union, has repeatedly emphasized the importance of respecting the rule of law and the Spanish Constitution. The Spanish Supreme Court’s decision is a clear affirmation of this principle.


the Spanish Supreme Court’s decision to deny amnesty to Carles Puigdemont and other pro-independence leaders is a significant development in the ongoing political crisis in Catalonia. The court’s stance sends a clear message that the Spanish judiciary will not tolerate any attempts to undermine the country’s Constitution and the rule of law. The implications of this decision will be far-reaching, and it remains to be seen how the pro-independence movement will respond to this setback.



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