Spanish communist Ana Hurtado announces that she will go to Cuba for several months

MIAMI, United States. — The Spanish communist Ana Hurtado, spokesperson for the Cuban regime in the Iberian Peninsula, announced that she would go to live in Cuba for several months to carry out “a documentary project.”

In a publication posted last Wednesday on social networks, Hurtado assured that he would travel to the island and that this time it would not be “like other times.”

“Next week I arrive in Cuba. And this time it’s not going to be like other times I’ve been there for a few weeks. I’m going to stay for months. I am going to start a documentary project, with my people, with the people. Let the worm infect,” wrote Hurtado.

The young Spanish woman has become one of the few independent voices that openly supports the Cuban regime abroad. Unknown until not long ago, her name began to “sound” on social networks after describing the protests of July 11 and 12, 2021 as “destabilizing actions” and holding the United States government responsible for them.

From then on, the Cuban media, which had ignored her existence, began to present her as a filmmaker and journalist, despite the fact that her work is reduced to a documentary to which references are scarce.

Since she arrived on the media scene in Cuba as an artifact of official propaganda, Ana Hurtado has become famous for her controversial and disrespectful statements about the reality of the island.

His irreverence and disrespect for Cubans reached its peak when he tried to disqualify the late troubadour Pablo Milanés by calling him a “worm” and a “counterrevolutionary”, while the musician was convalescing in a Madrid hospital, where he finally died.

Her fanaticism for Fidel Castro and the Cuban Revolution led her to get a tattoo on one of her wrists. flag of the July 26 Movement.

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