Spain will not recognise the election results in Venezuela until the minutes are published

  • Spokesmen for the Spanish Ministry of Foreign Affairs demanded “full transparency” regarding the results published by the CNE

The Spanish government will not recognize the results of the Venezuelan presidential elections until the electoral records from the July 28 vote are published in a “complete and verifiable” manner.

Sources from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs reaffirmed this Friday the position expressed “from the first moment” by the Executive of Pedro Sánchez, which insists on demanding “full transparency”, as has been pointed out by the United Nations Panel of Experts (HER).

Photo: As is

“Until this happens, we will not be able to recognize the result of the elections,” stressed the Foreign Ministry, after the Supreme Court of Justice (TSJ) of Venezuela on Thursday ratified the results of the elections of July 28 which officially gave victory to Nicolás Maduro, although the opposition, which published the minutes on the Internet, claims that it was its candidate, Edmundo González Urrutia, who won by a wide margin.

They also reiterated their call for respect for the right of Venezuelans to demonstrate peacefully and freely express their political opinions.

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The sources from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs assured that they continue to work with their “Latin American brothers” and European partners “so that the democratic will of the Venezuelan people is respected, so that there is a political solution based on dialogue and negotiation between Venezuelans and so that the arrests cease and the social peace that the country needs is maintained.”

The Supreme Court, controlled by pro-Chavez judges, confirmed on Thursday the official results of the July 28 elections, which declared Nicolás Maduro the winner, something that has been pointed out as fraudulent inside and outside the country.

#WeExplainTheDay | Thursday, February 10
Photo: EFE

The ruling, which “unequivocally and unrestrictively” concludes the review of the elections, was made public 22 days after Maduro himself requested this process.

Following the ruling, González Urrutia has urged the National Electoral Council (CNE) to carry out an audit process with international observation of the results.

With information from EFE

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#Spain #recognise #election #results #Venezuela #minutes #published
2024-08-24 12:13:15



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