Spain responds and toughens administrative procedures

The Spanish Chamber of Commerce has ordered the customs services and all economic operators in its territory that from July 21, 2022, the export of goods to Algeria cannot be carried out without customs clearance.

This new measure puts an end to the momentum of privileges which reserved for Spanish exports to Algeria a certain fluidity and flexibility in their administrative procedures. “We inform you that from the date of July 21, 2022, all goods departing from Spain to Algeria must have customs declaration documents, and any file that does not have these documents is prohibited from leaving Spanish territory”, indicates the Chamber in its correspondence.

In addition, this instruction does not only concern goods of Spanish origin, but also those imported from other countries which pass through Spanish ports to Algeria, we learned from the same source. Parcels via international mail are also affected by this decision.

According to economic operators, these restrictions could cause a delay in the processing of goods of no less than a week compared to usual.

It should be noted that an escalating trend is taking place between the two countries, after the Algerian military regime decided to freeze ties of friendship with Spain, in response to its rapprochement with Morocco.

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