“Sow Hate” – The Time

Louis Frasca

From the right they want to give us lessons in legality, but Fratoianni himself admits “some arrears” of his movement. The secretary of Sinistra Italiana, in the press point, held on the sidelines of the national assembly of the party, held in the capital, confirms how the political entity he leads, in fact, has not always respected the rules or rather has not always paid the rent, as any entity or citizen does.
Even without making explicit references, ours cannot pretend nothing happened, both with respect to the famous 73 thousand euros that he owed to INPS, which ended up at the center of national news, and with respect to those arrears regarding the Capitoline sections of Si. As reported in these columns, just for the Testaccio circle, the historic headquarters of via Zabaglia, his party owes Ater regarding 102 thousand euros in arrears. A credit of no small importance.

Despite this, for comrade Nicola their budgets would be completely “transparent”. Those who, on the contrary, should give explanations would be the competitors that make up the executive of Palazzo Chigi: “In the majority there is a party that must return 49 million euros to the Italians. We do not accept lessons from a government that has emptied the rent fund”. Too bad that this last word, especially in Rome, is remembered above all used for the members of the campolargo.

Salis clings to social demands and attacks Meloni: Criminalization

The champion of squatters Ilaria Salis also returns to the topic. The newly elected MEP responds to Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni, who a few days ago had spoken of incitement to crime by the housing movements: “I find it shameful – she declares to journalists – that social demands and demands are responded to with criminalization and a police state. To intervene on social issues, they should be considered seriously and intervene in people’s living conditions, something this government is careful not to do”. Also returning to the attack is dad Salis. In “X” he announces a flurry of complaints to those right-wing newspapers, which, in his opinion, attack him daily in an unjustified way: “I believe that at the end of this story, with their money, I will buy at least a 45-foot boat”. The post, obviously, sparks a further debate, by those who rightly do not believe it is unfair that those who want to bring the truth to light should also be threatened. Meanwhile, her daughter Ilaria clarifies how her battles only serve to protect the defenseless: “The movement fighting for housing does not take anything away from anyone. They are an alternative to racketeering and war between the poor. They also represent an active criticism of the policy of abandonment and real estate speculation.”

Salis: “I know there have been threats, but I haven’t read them yet. I’ll go ahead anyway”

Video on this topic

One thing is certain, Ilaria is now free and ready to fight for her principles, as she reported to reporters: «Together we have demonstrated that solidarity in the name of anti-fascism and rights is not an abstract ideal, but a concrete force, which when it becomes collective, becomes overwhelming».

#Sow #Hate #Time
2024-07-09 10:32:35



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