“South Korea Protests Against China’s Criticism of President’s Remarks on Taiwan in Strong Diplomatic Response”

2023-04-20 12:59:00

china |

[서울=뉴스핌] Reporter Lee Young-tae = On the 20th, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs summoned Chinese Ambassador to Korea Xing Haiming to strongly protest against the Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesperson’s criticism of President Yoon Seok-yeol’s remarks on Taiwan during an interview with foreign media the previous day.

First Vice Minister of Foreign Affairs Chang Ho-jin invited Ambassador Xing to the Foreign Ministry building in Jongno-gu, Seoul that evening and said, “It is diplomatic and diplomatic that the spokesperson of the Chinese Foreign Ministry made a rude remark about our leader’s reference to the universal principle of the international community that we oppose unilateral changes to the status quo by force.” He pointed out that it is disrespectful,” and emphasized that the Chinese side should make efforts not to cause unnecessary hindrance to the development of bilateral relations.

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Wang Wenbin (汪文斌), spokesperson for the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of China. [사진=중국 외교부 사이트]

Prior to this, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs also issued a press notice on the afternoon of the same day, saying, “The Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesperson made unspeakable remarks in response to our leader’s mention of the universal principle of the international community that we oppose changing the status quo by force.” “I cannot help but point out that this remark is a serious diplomatic rudeness that calls into question China’s national dignity,” he said.

It is an unusually strong position for diplomatic authorities to point out a specific person from the other country, invite the ambassador of the host country, and criticize it in connection with national prestige through a media notice. It is interpreted that the level of reaction of the Chinese side to the remarks of the South Korean head of state was not understood in terms of diplomatic practice.

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In an interview with Archyde.com the day before, President Yoon said, “We are trying to change the status quo by force” targeting China about the tension in the Taiwan Strait. said. ‘Changing the status quo by force’ is an expression that has been used by the international community, including the United States, when criticizing China.

In response, Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesperson Wang Wenbin said at a regular briefing that day, “The Taiwan issue is purely China’s internal affair and is the core of China’s core interests.”

“There is only one China in the world, and Taiwan is an indivisible part of China’s territory,” Wang said.


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