South Kalimantan Regional Election Exchange Trianto-Zazuli Advance in Tanah Laut, Andi Rudi-Bahsanuddin in Tanah Bumbu – 2024-07-19 21:39:53

Rahmat Trianto-Muh. Zazuli and Andi Rudi Latif-H Bahsanudin (Ist)

A NUMBER of names of potential regional head candidates for the 2024 Pilkada in South Kalimantan have emerged even though the event will take place in November 2024. These names are familiar to the local community and make the contestation competition even tighter.

Like H Rahmat Trianto who from the beginning has confirmed himself to run in the Tanah Laut Regency Pilkada. He is predicted to be paired with H Muhammad Zazuli. Rahmat Trianto is willing to give up his seat in Senayan to run as a candidate for Tanah Laut Regent.

“Willing to make sacrifices to advance in the Tanah Laut Pilkada, to focus more on developing Tanah Laut, which was one of my electoral districts in the last legislative election,” said Rahmat, Thursday (18/7).

They have pocketed the Decree of the Central Leadership Council of the National Mandate Party (PAN) on the Approval of the Candidate Pair for Regent and Deputy Regent of Tanah Laut signed by the General Chairperson of the PAN DPP, Zulkifli Hasan and the Secretary General of the PAN DPP, Eddy Soeparno. The Gerindra Party and PKS have also reportedly provided recommendations.

Rahmat Trianto’s political career shone following he was willing to give up his military career to enter the world of politics. The former Commander of Kodim 1022 Tanah Bumbu became a legislative candidate for the Indonesian House of Representatives from the NasDem Party until he was elected as a Member of the Indonesian House of Representatives from the Electoral District of South Kalimantan II covering Banjarmasin, Banjarbaru, Tanah Laut, Tanah Bumbu, and Kotabaru.

He has also received blessings from Tanah Laut figure, H Endang Agustina, and also a well-known figure and businessman in South Kalimantan, H Samsudin Andi Arsyad alias Haji Isam.

Tanah Bumbu Regional Election

Meanwhile, in the 2024 Tanah Bumbu Pilkada, H Andi Rudi Latif and H Bahsanuddin have confirmed their intention to run as Regent and Deputy Regent of Tanah Bumbu 2024-2029.

Andi Rudi Latif is the Deputy Regent of Kotabaru for the 2021 to 2024 term. He revealed the reason he ran in the Tanah Bumbu Pilkada because he was moved to do his best for the welfare of the people in Tanah Bumbu.

“If we have the intention to do something for the greater good, wherever we are, give our best with sincerity because of Allah SWT and the Prophet Muhammad SAW,” he said.

His deputy, H Bahsanudin, is a former member of the Tanah Bumbu DPRD for three terms, from 2009 to 2024.

One of his concerns is helping the farming community by providing full support for agricultural equipment on a large scale. (

#South #Kalimantan #Regional #Election #Exchange #TriantoZazuli #Advance #Tanah #Laut #Andi #RudiBahsanuddin #Tanah #Bumbu



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