South Kalimantan Gubernatorial Election Contested by Two Candidate Pairs

Illustration (Medcom)

The South Kalimantan gubernatorial election will be contested by two pairs of candidates. The Muhidin-Hasnuryadi Sulaiman pair will compete with the Raudhatul Jannah-Rozanie pair.

“There are two candidate pairs competing in the South Kalimantan gubernatorial election. The determination of the candidate pairs will be on September 22,” said the Chairman of the South Kalimantan KPU, Andi Tenri Sompa, Saturday (31/8).

In the 2024 Pilkada, Muhidin-Hasnuryadi (MH) were supported by five political parties, namely the National Mandate Party (PAN), the Prosperous Justice Party (PKS), the Democrats, Perindo, and the Indonesian Solidarity Party (PSI). The total valid votes from the five political parties combined were 605,038 or 27.68%. Muhidin himself is the Chairperson of the PAN South Kalimantan DPW and Hasnuryadi is a Golkar cadre.

Meanwhile, the Raudhatul Jannah-Rozanie pair were also supported by five political parties, namely Golkar (13 seats), NasDem (10 seats), Gerindra (7 seats), plus PDI Perjuangan (3 seats) and PKB (6 seats). The combined votes from these five political parties reached 1,386,272 valid votes or 63.43%.

Raudatul Jannah previously served as Head of the South Kalimantan Provincial Health Service. While Akhmad Rozanie Himawan Nugraha is the Secretary of the South Kalimantan Nasdem Party. (Z-11)

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