South Jakarta Resident Held in Myanmar, Ransom Extorted Every 2 Days

Yohana, a family member of a victim of human trafficking who is being held captive in Myanmar. (Doc. MGN)

A YOUNG man with the initials SA, 27, a victim of a Human Trafficking (TPPO) case in Myanmar, was forcibly asked for money every two days. This was revealed by Yohana, 35, who is a family member of the victim.

“Yes, every two days they asked for ransom money. If they didn’t give it, they tortured him,” said Yohana, at the National Police Criminal Investigation Unit, Friday, August 16, 2024.

Yohana said the ransom demanded has now changed to Rp19 million. The amount of money demanded is much lower than the previous bill because the family stated that they could not afford to pay.

He explained that the family last contacted SA on August 14, 2024. SA is still in a confined condition and has many gunshot wounds on his legs.

Previously, SA worked abroad because he was promised by the initials R to get a salary of Rp150 million every month. However, SA was said to be placed in Thailand, not Myanmar.

In fact, after arriving in Thailand, SA was taken to Myanmar and held captive. He was asked for Rp478 million to return to Indonesia safely.

SA was threatened to be mutilated if he did not pay 30 percent of the amount of money previously requested. However, this was a threat so that SA would provide the requested ransom.

(Vania Liu Trixie/Z-9)

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