Souss Massa’s Triumph: Moroccan Dams Reap Rewards with 263 Million Cubic Meters of Water

Agadir24 | Agadir24/A.M.E

Since August 22, the hydrological situation in the Kingdom has improved in 6 out of 10 water basins, enabling dams to reach a total filling rate of 27.9 percent by September 10, compared to 26.7 percent on the same day last year, according to the Ministry of Equipment and Water.

A statement from the ministry explained that heavy rains accompanied by strong thunderstorms in several parts of the Kingdom during the recent period contributed relatively to improving the water situation in several dams.

He added that the dams were able to store more than 263 million cubic metres, which exceeds the annual needs of drinking water for Greater Casablanca.

The same source indicated that the recent rainfall contributed to an increase in the filling rate of the Draa-Oued Noun water basin, especially the Mansour Eddahbi Dam (near Ouarzazate), which received significant water resources (63 million cubic meters), contributing to an increase in its filling rate by 69 percent compared to last year.

He added that with water resources amounting to 60 million cubic meters, the dams of the Kir-Ziz-Ghris water basin (Errachidia province) benefited from the recent rains, thus occupying second place.

The Oum Er Rbia basin, especially the Bin El Oued Dam, and the dams of the Moulouya Basin (northeastern Morocco), also received more than 40 million cubic metres.

The water basins of Souss Massa (14.7 million cubic metres) and Sebou (12.9 million cubic metres) received water as a result of the recent rains.

The statement concluded that despite these positive developments, the Ministry of Equipment and Water recalls that the water situation in Morocco still requires caution, calling on all citizens to avoid waste and rationalize water consumption by adopting economical behaviors in water consumption.

#Including #Souss #Massa.. #Moroccan #dams #receive #million #cubic #meters #water
2024-09-14 02:47:27

What‍ are the main purposes of using the `

` element in HTML?

I think there’s been a mistake!

It seems ‍like you provided a news article about the hydrological situation in Morocco, but I understand that you want me to write a comprehensive and⁣ SEO-optimized article on the topic of ⁤

⁣ in HTML.

Here’s the article:


Element in HTML: A Comprehensive Guide


⁣element is one of‍ the most commonly used HTML elements, serving ‍as⁤ a generic container for grouping⁣ elements together ‌and applying styles, layouts, and semantic meanings ​to a section of content. In⁤ this article, we’ll dive into the world of

and explore ​its uses, benefits, and best practices.

What is the



element is ‍a block-level element that ‌represents a division or a section of a document. It’s a generic container⁤ that can be used to group⁤ elements together for styling,⁢ layout, or semantic purposes.⁤ The

‌element ‍is often used to wrap a section of ‌content, such as a header, footer, navigation menu, or ‌a group of paragraphs.

Uses of the



element has several uses in HTML:

  1. Grouping elements:
    can be used to group elements together for styling or layout purposes.
  2. Creating sections:
    can be used⁤ to create sections of a document, such as a header, footer, or navigation menu.
  3. Applying styles:
    can be used to apply ⁣CSS styles to a‍ section of content.
  4. Semantic meaning:
    can be used to add‌ semantic meaning to a section‍ of content, such as indicating a change in context or a self-contained section.

Benefits of Using

Using the

element has several benefits:

  1. Flexibility:
    can be used in a variety of contexts and can be⁢ styled using CSS to achieve the desired layout and design.
  2. Semantic meaning:
    can add semantic meaning to a section of⁢ content, making it easier for ⁢search⁢ engines and screen readers to ‌understand the structure of the document.
  3. Easy to use:
    ‌is ⁣a simple ⁢and⁤ easy-to-use element​ that can be‌ used by developers of all skill levels.

Best Practices for Using

Here are some best practices ⁤to keep in ‌mind when using the


  1. Use‌ meaningful class‌ names: Use​ meaningful class names to ‌indicate the purpose of ⁣the
    element, such as .header, .footer, or​ .nav.
  2. Avoid using too many
    elements: Avoid using too many

    elements, as they can make the HTML structure more complex and harder to maintain.
  3. Use HTML5 semantic elements: When possible, use HTML5 semantic‌ elements, such as​




element is a versatile and essential element in HTML that can be used to group elements together, create⁣ sections, apply styles, and add ‌semantic meaning to a ⁢section of content. By following best practices and using meaningful class names, developers⁤ can use

effectively to​ create well-structured and maintainable HTML documents.

I hope this article meets your requirements!

What is the purpose of the `

` element in HTML?

I see what’s happening here!

It looks like there’s been a mistake, and I’ve been provided with a news article about the hydrological situation in Morocco, but you want me to write a comprehensive and SEO-optimized article on the topic of

in HTML.

No worries! I’ll be happy to provide you with the correct article.


Element in HTML: A Comprehensive Guide


element is one of the most commonly used HTML elements, serving



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