Access to Dongpangyo IC toward Incheon is also possible.
Traffic in some sections of the Anyang-Seongnam section, which had been controlled in the followingmath of the Gwacheon Galhyeon Overpass soundproof tunnel fire accident on the 2nd Gyeongin Expressway on December 29 last year, resumed on the 2nd.
The Ministry of Land, Infrastructure and Transport announced that it would partially open the traffic-controlled sections in 2 to 3 days sequentially following facility inspections and consultations with the National Police Agency for the passable sections that did not include the accident site.
The 13.76km section from Bukuiwang IC to Yeosu-daero IC opened in both directions at 2:05 pm on the same day, and the entrance to Dongpangyo IC in the direction of Incheon opens at 5:00 pm.
In addition, the Seongnam direction, which is currently under control among the 0.5km section from Seoksu IC to Sammak IC, is scheduled to open at 12:00 noon on the 3rd.
However, the 8.2km section, including the soundproof tunnel where the fire broke out, will continue to be controlled.