Sound therapy for anxiety? – Featured

14 avril 2023

Like many alternative therapies to conventional medicine, sound therapy promises many benefits. Among them, a letting go, a decrease in anxiety and tension in general. What should we think ?

Many therapists offer sound therapy sessions on the internet: most often it involves exposing a patient for 45 minutes to an hour to the sounds and vibrations produced by Tibetan bowls, or more rarely other instruments such as tuning forks. Most of the time, metal bowls of various sizes are placed on the stomach and limbs of the patient lying down. The therapist then makes them vibrate by gently hitting them with a suitable mallet. The promises of this practice are numerous: reduction of environmental stress and tensions, better digestion, better sleep, sleep, letting go, appeasement…

So, is it effective? What does science say? Few studies have been conducted on this subject. Nevertheless, one of them, published in 2019, reveals that this practice does reduce the tsystolic blood pressure in patients undergoing orthopedic surgery under regional anesthesia. However, this measure is considered an indicator of reduced anxiety.

As part of palliative care

Sound therapy is also offered as part of palliative care, as is the case at the Saint-Etienne University Hospital (Loire). “Between music therapy and relaxology, sound therapy aims for deep relaxation using a range of chords”, describes the CHU website. Objective, “transmit to patients pleasurable sensations both for the body and for the mind, through instruments with soft sounds, such as the carillon, the sea drum, the rain stick, the singing bowls…”

Also offered since 2014 to relatives of hospitalized people, these sound therapy sessions have received “very positive feedback”. “Participants expressed a decrease in various stress-related symptoms, such as feeling scared, knotted stomach, anxiety, tension and nervousness. Mood also improves”concludes the CHU of Saint-Etienne.

Sound therapy therefore seems to reduce anxiety and various tensions. If you want to test its effects, note that a session will cost you around sixty euros.

  • Source : Sonotherapy in the reduction of anxiety and postoperative pain in patients with regional anesthesia as a sole technique: randomized, controlled clinical trial : PMID: 31448793 DOI: 10.24875/CIRU.19000715 – CHU de Saint-Etienne

  • Written by : Dominique Salomon – Edited by: Vincent Roche



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