Soumahoro and Salis Want to Close Prisons in Italy –

Louis Frasca

Look who’s talking. Soumahoro, the parliamentarian who became famous for his wife and mother-in-law, who, according to investigators, were the protagonists of a five-star life to the detriment of the poor migrants they were supposed to defend, takes to the field to say that prisons must be closed. Aside from the sacrosanct battle for the rights of prisoners, for the improvement of penitentiary institutions that, for years and not just today, have oppressed in precarious conditions, Aboubakar’s cry of alarm for the Beccaria in Milan does not go unnoticed: “It must be closed – he writes in a note – because it is not a humane place of detention”. He therefore scolds the Meloni government: “It has decided in a politically short-sighted and ideological way to address the issue”. Fratoianni’s protégé, in fact, was the protagonist of a parliamentary inspection in which he found traces of blood on mattresses and walls, boys with self-harm cuts on their arms as a sign of protest. “One prisoner – reports the former trade unionist – had even digested a piece of glass. A situation of anomie and dehumanization.”

Salis resurfaces, visit to accused terrorism: Repression of dissent

A trip that is very similar to the one made just a day ago by the MEP of the Italian Left. Ilaria Salis, in fact, had been the protagonist of a surprise meeting at the San Michele in Alessandria, which she described on Instagram as a real hovel: “A horrifying situation,” she told her followers. “There is garbage in the corridors and showers. In addition to noting the terrible state of the various sections and the lack of social and health personnel, I had the opportunity to listen to the testimonies of many inmates. We are beyond capacity, there is difficulty in accessing medical care and there is a serious understaffing of educational personnel.” All important problems, but which unfortunately we have been living with for years, or rather since the right-wing Meloni, now under attack, did not exist in Palazzo Chigi. What is causing discussion about the tour of the champion of occupations, however, is above all the meeting with Luigi Spera, the Sicilian firefighter accused of terrorism, whom she calmly calls “the companion of Palermo” and for whom she asks to “converge the energies of solidarity”. Let’s hope for him that they are like those of Minister Tajani, who in fact pulled her out of Orban’s prisons or like those of her friends in Avs, who put her past in the drawer and in order to save her from Hungarian justice they took her directly to the most important building in Europe.

Cases of terrorism and anti-Semitism. And Salis and Lucano defend the traffickers

The latest strange return is that of Senator Ilaria Cucchi. After months and months of silence, she starts to breathe again and, following, by remote control, what her party friends profess, without ifs or buts, she targets the Prime Minister and Undersecretary Del Mastro who this summer would have made the tour of the prisons “just to take selfies with the officers, who now feel like they’re being made fun of”. The situation of the penitentiary institutions, in her opinion, is “under everyone’s eyes. The government is doing nothing to address the problem. On the contrary, it uses it as a social dump”. Obviously, for her too, the classic tour behind bars, complete with a photo book in Villa Fastiggi in Pesaro: “A structure – she explains – that presents various problems and shortcomings that the police officers, operators and volunteers make up for as best they can. The living conditions of the inmates have not improved”. However, it is not remembered that the building she visited had the same difficulties even without this majority at Palazzo Chigi. This is why there are more than a few ill-thinking people who believe that what was a more shareable battle has been exploited by those who, not knowing what to say, try to ride every wave, even those who need facts and not further press releases. It would be interesting to understand why for years, those who claim to be guarantors have not lifted a finger to change the situation of hardship and avoid reaching what is now considered a real emergency.

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#Soumahoro #Salis #Close #Prisons #Italy #Tempo
2024-09-03 11:29:09



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