Sottocorona forecasts – The Weather

A “change of scenario” in the weather can be glimpsed, with clear signs that can already be seen in the forecast maps for the next few days. The heat wave continues, according to Paolo Sottocorona’s weather forecast for La7 broadcast on the network’s news, but a “small trough” starting from mid-August will position itself between the Balearic Islands and Sardinia, bringing with it a new unstable impulse from the North Atlantic. However, it is still too early to evaluate the extent of the change in scenario, which will however increase instability in our country and bring temperatures back at least to the averages for the period.

Wednesday 14 August we have only in the whole Peninsula in the morning, in the afternoon the clouds increase on the Alps and Prealps bringing some thunderstorms near the reliefs and on the Apennines between Marche, Umbria and Abruzzo. As for the temperatures in the map of the feeling of discomfort “the dark red areas have almost disappeared, that is those of strong discomfort – it is explained – and there is a reduction of the pink areas, which show values ​​that exceed 36 38 ° c” and which insist especially on the internal areas of Puglia.

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What will the weather be like on Ferragosto? Sunny in the north with few clouds in the plains, but during the day clouds are expected in the northwest with some rain and thunderstorms. Clear and partly cloudy in the center, with some isolated showers especially in the northern Apennines and western Tuscany. In the south the weather will be mostly stable but in Sardinia there will be clouds and some rain, of a stormy nature especially in the north of the island.

For temperatures, still high values ​​with many regions in uncomfortable conditions especially in the eastern internal sectors of the peninsula. Minimums decreasing in the north-east and Sardinia, increasing in the south and stationary elsewhere. The variations in maximum values ​​oscillate around the current ones, however an increase is reported in the internal peninsular areas and a decrease in Sardinia. The trend for Friday 16 August is towards more unstable weather in the north, in particular in the north-west, with some showers and thunderstorms. Rain especially in the afternoon between Tuscany and the central Apennines. Still sunny in the south, with a few exceptions in the mountains, and local thunderstorms in Sardinia, some of which are strong.

#Sottocorona #forecasts #Weather
2024-08-16 03:17:33



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