Sosteen Munyemana: Convicted 24 Years for Role in 1994 Rwandan Genocide

2023-12-24 12:34:02

A French court sentenced 68-year-old doctor Sosteen Munyemana to 24 years in prison after being found to be a participant in the 1994 mass genocide in Rwanda. The mass genocide of the Tutsis was carried out in Sosteen’s native East African country.

After a 15-hour trial, Sosteen, a former gynecologist, was found guilty of genocide, crimes against humanity and conspiracy. Sosteen, 68, is the sixth person to stand trial in France for the 1994 massacre that killed nearly 800,000 Tutsis and moderate Hutus in 100 days.

A complaint was filed against him in 1995 in the southwestern French city of Bordeaux. But it was almost three decades later that the trial began at the Paris Assize Court. When the court verdict was read out, he remained silent and was quickly taken to jail. Sosteen’s attorney said he could not accept the court’s verdict and would appeal against the verdict.

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The public prosecutor demanded that Sosteen be sentenced to 30 years in prison. Sosteen is also alleged to have drafted a letter of support for the interim regime in place at the time. It was discovered that the letter contained instructions to exterminate the Tutsis. In addition, the complaint against him states that he helped set up roadblocks to capture people for killing in Butare, the southern Rwandan region where he lived. He is also accused of housing people in local government offices in inhumane conditions. Sosteen, who repeatedly denied the allegations against him in the courtroom, claimed he was a moderate Hutu who sought to save Tutsis by sheltering him in local government offices. But reading the verdict, the judge said that Sosti was part of the group that led the genocide of the Tutsis.

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He arrived in France in September 1994. His wife and three children lived here. After continuing his life here, Sosti first worked as an emergency doctor and then as a geriatrician. Recently retired.

Sosteen was close to Jean Kampanda, the prime minister of the interim government established in 1994 after a missile shot down the plane carrying then-Rwandan President Juvenal Habyarimana.
Kampanda is currently serving a life sentence imposed by the International Criminal Tribunal for Rwanda (ICTR) for his role in the genocide.
According to UN estimates, eight lakh people were victims of mass genocide. Most of those killed were Tutsis. They were killed by Hutu soldiers and extremist militias in 100 days. Sosti’s is the last trial in France in this case. Most of the perpetrators of the murders escaped punishment in France.

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  • First Published : December 24, 2023, 6:04 pm IST

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