SOS Médecins recalls health precautions at the start of autumn

Vigilance and barrier gestures! Joëlle Martinaux, president of SOS Médecins in Nice, reminds us that viruses are recovering at the start of autumn. If our Alpes-Maritimes are in yellow on the gastronomic proliferation map, the Bouches-du-Rhône are already in red. “They are only ahead, we don’t protect ourselves better at home,” says the doctor.

According to Joëlle Martinaux, we still have a few good reflexes from the Covid crisis, in particular that of wearing a mask: “When you are sick, when you have an ENT pathology, the mask will avoid contaminating the neighbor in the office or on a train. People have taken to this habit. On the other hand, this does not solve the gastrointestinal problem.”



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