Surprise in El Panal: Menem and Bonoroni gather nearly 40 pro-mayor and community members for quorum

2024-08-24 20:59:50

The Speaker of the House of Representatives, Martín Menem, and the Chairman of the Free Avanza Group, Gabriele Bonolini, met with nearly 40 mayors of the province of Córdoba at the Quorum Hotel. This call was made possible thanks to the efforts of radical and pro-national legislators Laura Rodrigo Machado, Soledad Carrizo and Luis Picart. Córdoba’s liberal tour made an awkward gesture towards the beehive at its grand final party.

“It was a surprise for many people, especially because the notice was so short,” the deputy “bullrichta” who has openly worked for Purple Space happily admitted. He assured that leaders from almost all departments and community leaders across the province attended the meeting.

The participation of Federico Zárate from Jesús María, Pablo Cornet from Villa Allende and Fernando Rambaldi from La Calera stands out as the main leaders of “Extinction” Together for Change. In terms of “purer professionalism”, mention can be made of Adela Arning from Mendiolaza and Natalia Contini from Anisacate.

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Many community residents and activists joined it, such as: Javier Diminger from La Falda, Patricia del Solio Verde, Claudio Gorgerino Calcin , Leonardo Clara Carrillobo, Patricio Olmedo Manfredi, Ricardo Bianchini Hernando and Giannis from General Cabrera Lermo Cavillaso. During the meeting, community leaders shared their experiences and raised key needs in their respective cities, many of which have experienced changes in government after decades of the same management.

Legislators Martin Menem, Carrizo, Luis Picart, Gabriel Bonoroni and Laura Rodríguez Machado

“We must work to bring about political change in more places in Córdoba,” Bonoroni said on social networks.

Prime Minister Diana Mondino took part in the photo as she attended the Banco Rolea event at the same hotel and expressed her views on the importance of strengthening local government in the province.

Menem and Bonolini listen to the mayor in quorum

The mayors unanimously recognized that attending the meeting would require a significant effort, which could cause “the dissatisfaction of Parnar, as they repeatedly ask us to turn to the Cordoba Party to accelerate future work in our local areas or provincial plans” .

Laura Rodríguez Machado clarified and acknowledged that they are in a “full building phase with all the forces in the province,” while urging leaders to “build bridges and negotiate directly with the national government without interrupting dialogue.” ” with the province. “

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