Sor María Ludovica Children’s Hospital in Crisis: Demands for Budget and Staff Increase

2023-06-03 06:01:28

Hours following the assumption of the new authorities of the “Sor María Ludovica” Children’s Hospital, the body of professionals of the institution expressed their expectation regarding the renewal of management and the demand for a budget that allows the improvements they consider necessary for the recovery of the emblematic health establishment.

As this newspaper reflected in the previous edition, the Hospital on Calle 14 between 65 and 66 -a pediatric reference center for the entire Province- is now in charge of the doctor Gustavo Sastre, who took over as controller following he left the function to retire Eduardo Pucci.

Zulma Fernández, president of the Association of Professionals of the hospital specializing in the care of girls and boys, clarified that “beyond the people who run the institution, our objective is that the Governor receive us, because we believe that in the short term they will many professionals end up going”.

Strictly speaking, there are numerous claims that have been raised by health professionals from the different hospital services. The main demand revolves around a salary recomposition for the sector, so that the improvement in the pocket of doctors stops the departure of those who, due to the meager salaries, decide to take positions in other places.

Fernández also highlighted Sastre’s background in management, “that’s good,” he said, “because he has knowledge of internal hospital management.” And the doctor concluded: “I want to put a vote of confidence in that sense.”

Andrea Urrutia, an anesthesiologist who is concerned, in particular, regarding the reality of the surgery area, where the shortage of professionals has produced an “endless number of patients on the waiting list,” also gave her opinion on the situation of the “Children’s Hospital.”

Urrutia insisted that the intention of the group of doctors who are mobilizing to get better salaries and an increase in the number of professionals is to reach the Governor’s office, “which we are not achieving.”

For her part, the doctor Karina Barbini, underlined the critical situation of the Hospital. “When I handed over the guard, yesterday -for the day before yesterday-, there were 28 hospitalized patients, and serious patients also entered. We are complicated with the number of beds, because they call us from all parts of the Province and we are denying beds because we do not have room for so many, ”she explained.

According to the table presented by Barbini, the lack of doctors in the Intensive Care service leads to the referral of patients to the Guard sector, which, the professionals stated, “we cannot accept.”

In this sense, he indicated that in the face of a panorama that shows that the rest of the child care guards -between those of the private sector and those of the public- are not fully functioning “we end up absorbing everything, without social work and with social work , and that makes us collapse.”

As detailed by the doctor, yesterday there were 21 patients admitted to the pediatric hospital guard, while the area is prepared to care for seven children. “And winter hasn’t started yet,” concluded the professional.

#Childrens #Hospital #doctors #loosen #claim



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