Sophia Loren is 90 years old: the prison diva who is a real mom

He celebrates his 90th birthday today Sophia Loren. For the last year, the beautiful diva has been spending her time in seclusion, as last year she suffered a serious femoral neck fracture after slipped in his bathroomand has not appeared at a public event since then. The sexy Italian actress conquered millions of men, while being the loyal companion of her producer husband throughout her life. To Carlo Pontiwith whom he had two children, Eduardo and Carlowho took it 20 years ago Andrea Butcher violinist, with whom they announced their divorce this year.

Sophia Loren appeared in public a few months after her accident
Photo: Getty Images/MEGA

The diva was loved by the audience in films like that A woman and her daughterfor which he was the first to receive an Oscar for a leading role in a foreign language, a Marrying Itself, The Fashion Dictators, The Hong Kong Countess, The Fashion Dictators, The Nine and Last his hit Netflix movie, that is Life is ahead of me. Such a work of more than seven decades is surrounded by countless rumours, news and secrets, and we looked for them on the occasion of the round birthday. Who wouldn’t know that they hated each other with Marlon Brando, that Drew Barrymoore his godmother, or that he wanted to buy Parliament for his son and his new wife. We all know this already, but there are rumors and movie secrets in Loren’s life that you probably haven’t heard about the legendary Italian actress.

9 things you probably didn’t know about Sophia Loren

Sophia Loren as a freshman in the film Attila
Fotó: Corbis via Getty Images/Sunset Boulevard

1: Although at the end of the fifties she was already the wife (and earlier already his lover) of Carlo Ponti, a former legendary producer, on the set of their film “The single father would share” Cary Grant he was head over heels in love with the diva. Allegedly, he also left her a love letter in which he asked her to leave Ponti and go to him, in fact, according to bad language, this romance was consummated for a short time. Loren denied the suggestion, in fact she didn’t even know about the letter and claimed that she had been a faithful companion to her husband all his life, who was preparing to end his marriage and take Loren as his wife right on this set.

Carlo Ponti and his husband Sophia Loren
Fotó: Ron Galella Collection via Getty Images

2: Despite this, they divorced Ponti in 1962. Well, not because a producer 22 years older would have bored his shining star: Ponti divorced his wife in Mexico in 1957 and then married Loren, but five years later they had to go to court on charges of bigamy, because their marriage was not recognized in Italy, and even They also made the Pope angry with them. Fortunately, Ponti’s ex-wife took up French citizenship, so they were able to remarry in 1966. Patience and time justified them, because they were together until Ponti’s death in 2007.



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